Jackie Robinson Scholarship 2022-2023 Application, Requirements and Deadline

jackie robinson scholarship

Jackie Robinson Scholarship – Jackie Robinson is an African-American baseball player in the American and National leagues. He was the first African-American to break the color roadblock in baseball in the 20th century.

Every year, on April 15, all baseball players in the national league celebrate and honor his day for breaking the color roadblock in America, which made him the most valuable player.

Jackie Robinson Scholarship Overview

Jackie Robinson was also among the first civil rights fighters that fought racism at all costs in the American baseball league and America as a whole. In remembrance of Jackie Robinson, the Jackie Robinson foundation was established.

The Jackie Robinson foundation was established by his wife, Rachel Robinson, in 1973, a few months after his death. The foundation offers four years of college scholarship opportunities for colored students finding it challenging to achieve success in college.

Not only that they provide scholarships for colored students, but eligible students will also enjoy the following advantages:

  • They will gain complete professional and peer mentorship from the Jackie Robinson foundation
  • They will get real-life practical skills that are outside their school curriculum
  • There will be various opportunities for qualified students to network and meet professionals worldwide
  • They will also enjoy travelling internationally and community service
  • Qualified students would be supported financially throughout the four-year college scholarship

An estimated 1,450 students have been awarded the scholarship since the establishment of the Jackie Robinson foundation.

In addition, the foundation is also supported by various sponsors across America. Among the sponsors of Jackie Robinson, scholarship programs include Nike, Major League Baseball, Goldman Sachs, and many more.

Jackie Robinson Scholarship Requirements

Applicants must meet the requirements listed for the Jackie Robinson Foundation scholarship before they can be eligible. Among the requirements they must meet include the following:

  • Must be from the United States
  • Applicants must be graduating, minority high school senior students
  • Must provide evidence of the financial need of the foundation
  • Applicants must have an excellent academic background
  • Applicants must be ready to participate in community service and demonstrate their leadership potential
  • Must submit an official SAT / ACT examination score to the foundation
  • Applicants must accumulate at most 25% of the credits required to graduate from college
  • Applicants must choose to attend an accredited and government-approved college or university within the United States or affiliated with the United States for their four years scholarship

Additionally, the Jackie Robinson Foundation also looks into other components before applicants can be eligible. Here are a few of them:

  1. Applicants must have college plans
  2. Four essays are to be submitted to the foundation
  3. Applicants must provide their residential information
  4. Applicants must detail their activities and their distinction to the foundation
  5. For instance, SAT, PSAT, or other related test scores should be submitted
  6. Applicants demographics
  7. Applicants must provide their high school information, including an unofficial transcript
  8. Finally, applicants must have at least one recommendation

How to Apply for the Jackie Robinson Scholarship

Applying for the Jackie Robinson Foundation scholarship is easy.

The application process might be demanding; as a result, applicants’ applications would go through multiple stages before the eligible students are announced. The stages include:

Reviewing – After the application deadline, the foundation’s scholarship review team will rigorously review all applications.

Interview – After reviewing the applications of applicants, the selected students will be virtually interviewed.

Announcement – which brought us to the stage at which successful students would be announced.

Scholarship Worth

The Jackie Robinson scholarship is worth up to $35,000. Qualified students would receive a college scholarship worth $35,000 for four years.

Not only would they be awarded a scholarship, but they will also be financially sponsored by the foundation to attend the Jackie Robinson foundation’s annual four days “mentoring and leadership conference”, which will take place in New York and other profitable events throughout the year. Other benefits are also listed for qualified students to enjoy.

Application Deadline – The application opens in September, all applications will be due by 5:00 pm EST on January 11, 2023, and the other application stage will commence immediately.


The Jackie Robinson foundation was created to remember the first baseball player to the color roadblock in the American baseball league.

For Jackie Robinson to keep his legacy as the most valuable player, students of color are also offered scholarships to study in any college or university of their choice.

Qualified students will be able to enjoy a lot of benefits aside from the financial assistance the foundation would offer. They would enjoy whole professional mentoring, international travelling, real-life practice skills that won’t be among their college curriculum, and much more, which will be what most students will want to opt for.

About David Umoz

David Umoz is a pro and certified scholarship content writer who sincerely desires to inform scholars about details and how to apply for financial grants, scholarships, and loans.

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