How to Score Above 300 in JAMB 2023 : 10 Secrets

how to score above 300 in JAMB

How to score above 300 in JAMB 2023 – Right time, most students have a misconception of the concept of JAMB; they see it as a mighty problem meant for only a few. However, this conception may be true in 2023, as the country now has myriads of Jambites seeking admission due to the ongoing ASUU strike.

Because of this, it will be ideal for students to learn broadly about the UTME exercise. If you are one of those JAMB candidates who crave excellence, we can put you through the rope on how to score above 300 in JAMB 2023.

Is it possible to score 300 in JAMB?

Yes, JAMB has a total of 400 marks, and the entire score is meant for candidates who can attain it. Everyone has got the chance to hit 400 in JAMB, but no student has been able to get there. Nonetheless, some candidates have hit as high as 360 in the examination.

Although some students find it hard to believe that others can score as much as 300, attaining above this score in the JAMB examination remains a fact.

How to score above 300 in JAMB 2023

Scoring above 300 is no magic at all. Candidates must know and put the essential tips in place to attain this. You will have more chances of scoring higher than 300 if the following hints are considered.

1. Have a planner for yourself

Myles Munroe once said time is the temporary period between life and death – moderated. Many do not know this, and it keeps drawing people back. You must be a good time manager to be an excellent student, as your personal life needs to be planned like life on campus.

how to score above 300 in JAMB

Get yourself a timetable that directs you on what to do daily and ensure reading and other tips you will learn about in this piece is on the planner. It would help if you had a timetable or planner because every second of your life counts. Sixty of it makes a minute, and sixty of a minute makes an hour.

Twenty-four (24) hours make a day, and that is how the whole thing keeps going until you find yourself in the examination hall unprepared for the monster in front of you.

2. Do away with distraction

Social media has its good and bad sides, which you are open to being affected with. Jambites, especially students who have just concluded their secondary school education and are getting the time to go outside their homes more freely for the first time, are more likely to get distracted by unnecessary things around them.


If you want to pass your JAMB examination, you have got to help yourself by avoiding the things that could get you distracted, as that would be the worst thing that can happen to any student preparing for an examination. Ensuring this will do you much good.

3. Start with the JAMB syllabus

It is essential to start studying for JAMB by knowing what the exam will look like. The JAMB syllabus will give you first-hand information on this. So it is ideal for you to download the 2023 JAMB syllabus and review the selected topics for each subject you registered for.

This is the best JAMB AOC you can get for real, and this tip is not more challenging than it sounds – so simple to begin with.

4. Take Tutorials

Whether online or offline, perhaps in your schools, candidates preparing for JAMB should attend tutorials to help them understand other things they may not know about the examination on their own.

JAMB used to be called the “Almighty JAMB.” It is because online classes were not rampant in the past, and thus it is either people attend extra moral lessons or read on their own, making it so that students find it quite hard to pass in those days.

With YouTube, Google, Facebook, and other platforms at your fingertips, your chances of passing JAMB are higher if you judiciously use these platforms.

So pay attention to any tutorial that can enhance your knowledge as you prepare for JAMB. One hint for you to practice this well is to give your time to study each subject, topic, and even subtopic in your subject combination, individually rather than waiting until you find a tutorial titled “JAMB course” or so. If the best place for you to understand Maths, for instance, is YouTube, it does not stop you from learning English on Facebook.

5. Practice Past Questions

When you learn something repeatedly, you become used to it, and doing it becomes easy and insignificant. Yes, you do not want to take JAMB as a big deal to boost your confidence when faced with the examination.

You can get the JAMB past questions in bookshops or even on your smartphone. Hence, you can start practicing the said past questions on your phone by installing the JAMB CBT app or at any Café.

It will be beneficial if you cannot attend lessons preparing students for JAMB for some reason. Get the CBT app on your phone and practice answering JAMB questions anytime.

6. Study Past Questions

You not only want to practice but also study past questions. Are you wondering what the difference between these two terms is?

When you keep practicing, you do it for mastery, which could be likened to cramming. Even though cramming can help you get prepared and used to the system, understanding what you are told is the best approach to learning.

how to score above 300 in JAMB

On the other hand, studying past questions means you take your time to understand why the computer corrected the answer you supplied to a question and read about that particular question.

7. Study extensively

You probably would have been expecting this point. Well, it is inevitable in topics like this.

You should take your time to bend your head to study extensively (more than you are taught) if you want to hit higher than 300 in JAMB. This point is essential since it stands that there is no shortcut to Heaven, as they say.

how to score above 300 in JAMB

Often questions are not asked from the SS three topics. Nonetheless, reading extensively means you will get to cover the nooks and crannies of your books.

8. Ask questions where and when necessary

In a few words, you are advised to make meaningful inquiries. If it is something you think will help you, then you have no reason to keep it to yourself.

Ask people or the internet about things you do not know. Doing this will keep you out of any possible gray area. Remember, he who asks a question is a fool for that moment, while the one who holds it to himself is a fool forever.

You cannot know it all, so ask helpful questions from people ahead of you.

9. Work on your speed

How quickly could you answer the JAMB questions the first day you laid your hands on it? It does not matter; keep working on yourself, as there is always room for improvement.

Meanwhile, it would help if you remembered that JAMB marks not only candidates based on their accuracy but also their speed. The computer counts on your speed.


This is not to say you should answer any question before thinking about the answer; it means you should master the act of speed alongside accuracy.

10. Be Consistent

Lastly, you do not want to practice the tips on our list for a day or two and leave it at that. It would help if you made it a habit, at least for the days before your examination.

Do not forget the place of God if you are a believer.

Why you may not get admitted with a 300 JAMB score?

697 of the 2967 candidates who scored above 300 in JAMB in 2019 were not offered admission. Some students may be astounded upon realizing that a person who scored 300 and above in JAMB may not be offered admission. It is not often the case, though, but several students have faced it in the past. Let us see what happened to these people.

1. Absence from Post-UTME screening

In most cases, Post-UTME could be as crucial as the Joint Admission Matriculation Board examination. Therefore it is ideal for students who wish to be admitted to participate in this exercise.

Some students do not have access to complete information about the institutions they chose, so figuring out whether they will be required to take any other actions is unclear to them.

2. Wrong O’Level Subject Combination

Some students do not make inquiries before taking steps that could affect them. Having good grades in an O’Level examination and combining the subjects for your dream institution are two distinct things.

Often students who make seemingly slight mistakes like this are those that do not go to the café or accredited JAMB centers for their Post-UTME registration. 

3. Student’s Rigidity

JAMB has revealed that some students are rigid in their opinions and cannot afford to change their course of choice.

When students notice a program is too competitive in an institution and are not likely to get it there, they can think of changing the course or institution for another.

An institution may offer a course other than what you applied for despite your high score because of your O’Level subject combination.

4. Low Post-UTME screening score

Remember, some schools do not give admission based on the JAMB score alone. In this case, you should strive to score high, also. Performing well in JAMB and having a turnaround of your performance in Post-UTME is not worth it.

You may be admitted when you complete more excellently in Post-UTME than JAMB. Your JAMB score is to tell whether you are qualified to take part in the school’s Post-UTME screening exercise or not.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are probably many more things on your mind. Let us quickly help you answer a few commonly asked questions in this piece before we bring it to a close.

How many students recently scored above 300 in JAMB?

Students seeking to score above 300 in JAMB also want to get motivated by knowing students who have attained over 300 in previous years. Let us quickly examine the number of students who made above 300 in JAMB from 2018-2022.

Four thousand six hundred eighty-three (4,683) students scored over 300 in the 2018 JAMB, according to The Nation.

In 2019 the number also went half below the 2018 record, with only 2,967 scoring above 300. Only 1,456 JAMB candidates scored above 300 in the examination in 2020. With TribuneOnline, we learned that the disclosure of the JAMB registrar that only 0.06% of the registered candidates achieved 300+ means about 803 students made it to 300 and above in the 2021 JAMB exercise.

One thing to notice is that the number of candidates scoring above 300 in JAMB has been reducing over the years. The statistics from JAMB show that 99.9% of students scored above 120 in 2018 and 99.9% in 2019. This number went down in 2020 to just 99.80, which was better than 99.65% in 2021.

This list can inspire you to work hard and score higher in the forthcoming JAMB examination, as it has practically triggered some students who scored higher than 300 to do their best in the past.


No tip on our list is difficult to execute. However, this may not be the case with you if you take too much time to start doing them. Rome is not built in a day! Start now and hope to come up with flying colors after your examination.

Finally, there is this one thing you should work on as you aim to score above 300 in JAMB. It is receptiveness. Keep your mind open to learning new things, evaluate and ensure you do not pick the wrong options. Learn something new from people regardless of their status or age. Our team wishes you well.

About Abayomi

Abayomi is an education student and a certified content and prolific writer in Nigeria who is concerned with serving scholars across all nations with in-depth research and quality content.

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