Everything You Need To Know About Post UTME Exam

How To Prepare And Pass The Jamb Exam

Post-UTME is the most crucial exam of your life. It is the only exam that can make or break your university admission dreams, this post contains everything you need to know about post UTME exam.

The post-UTME is a test conducted by universities in Nigeria to screen candidates who have applied to the institution and have met the minimum cut-off mark for the institution.

The post-UTME is usually conducted a few weeks to months after the release of the UTME results.

It is important to note that the post-UTME is not a replacement for the UTME. Candidates must still sit for and pass the UTME before their desired institutions.

What is Post UTME?

Post-UTMEĀ is an acronym for “Post-Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination.” It is a screening exercise conducted by some tertiary institutions in Nigeria to select candidates for admission into their programs.

Everything You Need to Know About Post UTME exam

Post-UTME was introduced in 2004 by the Federal Government of Nigeria to curb the menace of multiple registrations and examination malpractice by candidates seeking admission into tertiary institutions.

In the past, candidates seeking admission into Nigerian universities sat for a single examination organized by the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB). However, with the introduction of Post-UTME, students should be able to know what it is Post UTME.

When is Post UTME?

The post-UTME is usually conducted a few weeks to months after the release of the UTME results, the date in different institutions of learning may differ.

Students are now urged to always check their desired institution portal for frequent updates.

Everything You Need to Know About Post UTME exam

How long is the duration of post-UTME?

A regular Post-UTME examination in Nigeria takes one hour to answer fifty (50) to hundred (100) questions, which may differ in some institutions. Still, the duration of Post UTME is one hour.

Who Can Write Post UTME?

Anybody can take the Post UTME exams as long they have the required criteria; if you are longing to be admitted into any institution in Nigeria, you must write the post UTME exam.

Everything You Need to Know About Post UTME exam

Students who want to further their education must write the post UTME; apart from your UTME examination, before you can gain admission into any institutions in Nigeria, you have to write the Post UTME exams.

What are the requirements for writing Post UTME?

To qualify for any institution’s post UTME examination in Nigeria, below are the requirement you must meet;

  1. You must have registered and passed the UTME exam
  2. Candidates must have the required cut off mark
  3. You must be above 16 years
  4. You must have a minimum of five (5) level credits in relevant subjects

How can I check my Post UTME score

Everything You Need to Know About Post UTME exam

After your post-UTME examination, your score will be available the following day. It would be best if you were not afraid to review your screening findings.

Below are steps to check your Post UTME score:

  1. Visit your school’s official portal
  2. Click on “Check Post UTME Result”
  3. Enter your UTME registration number
  4. Click on “Enter”
  5. Your Result will appear on the screen, and it will be available for you to print.

Note: Having your post-UTME score handy can help you gauge your chances of getting into a particular institution.

What is the format of the Post UTME exam?

The format of the Post UTME exam varies in various institutions of learning, below are some institution’s Post UTME formats (question and duration);

Everything You Need to Know About Post UTME exam

  • The UNIBEN post UTME format is 50 questions for one hour
  • FUTA Post UTME format is 25 questions for thirty (30) minutes
  • OAU Post UTME format is a hundred (100) questions for one (1) hour, fifteen (15) minutes
  • University of Ibadan Post UTME format is a hundred (100) questions for one hour
  • UNN Post UTME format is sixty (60) questions for forty-five (45) minutes
  • UNIZIK Post UTME format is fifty (50) questions for one hour
  • FUTO post UTME format is a hundred (100) questions for one hour
  • ABU ZARIA Post UTME format is sixty (60) questions for one hour and fifteen (15) minutes
  • IMSU post UTME format is forty (40) questions for thirty (30) minutes
  • UNICAL Post UTME format is a hundred (100) questions for ninety (90) minutes

What are the subjects tested in Post UTME?

The subjects you registered for in your JAMB examination will be the ones you will be tested within your Post UTME examination.


For Instance, you are applying for Medicine and surgery in an institution, and you registered for the use of English, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology in your JAMB examination; this means you will take the same four (4) subjects in your Post UTME examination.

You can study for the Post UTME with the JAMB syllabus and the institution’s past questions over the years.

How is the Post UTME exam graded?

The formula used to grade a Post UTME exam is neither simple nor conventional. Several institutions refuse to reveal the methodology they use when making their calculations.


A lot of variables and considerations go into grading your Post UTME exam. Therefore it’s probable that this is why the formula for grading the exam is not straightforward.

For Instance, to grade your FUTA post-UTME exam, the formula used by the institution is to multiply your score by 4.

For example:

Out of 25 questions, if you got thirteen (13) questions correctly, your score for the post UTME exam will be thirteen multiplied by four (13* 4), which is 52.

How to prepare for Post UTME

Below are ways of preparing for your Post UTME examination:

1. Know the Post UTME format

Begin by familiarizing yourself with how your chosen institution conducts its post-UTME exam, and you’ll have a better shot at passing it.


Some institutions may conduct aptitude tests, while others may only require supporting evidence as a prerequisite for an interview or hiring decision.

I can remember when the year I traveled to Akure to write my post UTME exam at the Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA). Unfortunately, I thought the institution post UTME exam contained a hundred (100) questions, not knowing that it was twenty-five (25) questions.

That is how I failed the examination, and I was nearly denied admission, and the institution changed my course from Medicine and Surgery.

I could have avoided the situation if I had understood the institution’s post UTME format.

2. Engage in good study skill

Engaging in good study skills is one of the factors in preparing for your post UTME examination. The quality of your study plan will directly impact how well you will perform in your post UTME exam.

The first step in engaging in good study skills is figuring out what works best for you. It’s essential to figure out when you’re most productive when studying. You may catch up faster when reading late at night or early in the morning.



Don’t ever rely on the advice of your peers when planning your study. Make a decision that works best for you and stick with it.

Make sure your study goals are attainable in your plan. You can study Physics on Mondays, Chemistry on Wednesdays, and so on.

Engaging in good study skills also means having a study schedule that allows you to keep track of your progress and stay on top of your workload.

Read these essential tips for every student that you might not see anywhere, don’t fall asleep until you know what you’re going to learn the following day. As a result of having this sense of purpose, you will be inspired and motivated.

Learning how to study successfully and increase your comprehension will also be taught to you through engaging in good study skills. As a student, you must read with the end goal of mastering what you are studying.

3. Read in a Good Study environment

Reading in a good study environment is critical to the success of your post UTME examination. It would be tough to prepare for your post-UTME exams if you had a terrible learning environment.

Studying in a conducive environment can lift your spirits, which aids your academic progress.

Below are an example of a good study environment;

  • Private or Public Libraries
  • Private or Public School Classrooms
  • Noise-free area in your house

You can always study in private or public classrooms on weekends, some public school classrooms don’t have doors or have spoilt doors, so the doors are always opened.

Studying in libraries will be effective if you stay away from any forms of distractions like your android phones, noise, and gossipers friends.

Always study in a safe and sound environment to prevent danger, and you will have peace of mind.

4. Practice Post UTME past question

Practicing questions from previous exams of your desired institutions is one of the best ways to prepare for a post UTME examination.

Obtain a copy of post-UTME sample questions for your preferred university; if you review the previous examinations, you will become familiar with the exam’s layout.

The exam’s structure will become more apparent due to the past questions. You’ll learn a few things about how to study better as a result of this experience.

It would help if you never crammed the answers to the post-UTME previous questions, but you must educate yourself on how to identify solutions.

I have heard candidates complaining that their desired institution did not give them accurate scores. They probably crammed the previous questions booklet to boost their score and expected to do well, and unfortunately, that’s not how things work in the real world.

Try to solve the problems in the past questions by practicing a little. You’d be able to answer questions in any way similar to that if you come across them in your exam.

How to get Post UTME past questions

Getting Post UTME past questions of any institutions is now more accessible than before; only a few institutions officially give aspirants access to their Post UTME past questions.

However, below are some educational blogs that give aspirants free access to various institutions’ past questions and answers:

  1. MySchool.ng
  2. RecruitmentBeam
  3. Nairaland
  4. CurrentSchoolNews
  5. MySchoolGist

5. Stay Informed On Post UTME News

Being up to date on your preferred institution is an essential component that will contribute to your success in the post-UTME examination.

To know when the post-UTME form of your desired institution is available or what questions will be on the exam, you must keep up with current events.


As a potential candidate, you must put up the effort necessary to gather as much information as possible.

You can use the Google search box to search in the name of your college or university, and current news on your desired institution will appear. Check out Wikipedia if you’re interested in learning more about the school’s history or layout,

Using Google News, you will easily find the information you’re looking for, and you’ll always see verified updates on your desired institution.

6. Avoid Mistakes While Registering For the Post UTME

Below are ways to avoid mistakes while registering for your post UTME exam;

  1. Visit a trustworthy cybercafƩ for your registration
  2. Ensure there is the availability of good connectivity before starting the registration
  3. Ensure you have, confirm, and provide your correct JAMB registration number
  4. Use a clear passport and do away with dark background photographs
  5. Ensure you register with a working and reachable phone number
  6. Choose the course you filled in your JAMB UTME/Change of Course form
  7. Check and correct errors before and after submitting the form

7. Know Your Exam Date and Venue

Knowing when and where your exam will take place paves the way for success in your post UTME examination.

The school management will invite students to take a post UTME exam at their schools after the screening registration process is complete. If your preferred university does not offer a post-UTME exam, you needn’t worry about anything.

8. Arrive Early at your Exam Center

You must arrive at the examination venue well ahead of time. It’s essential to get to know your surroundings to be calm and collected.

You might not come out in flying colors if you are tardy in arriving at the university.

I remember that year I wrote my post UTME, and I had to travel a day before my speculated exam date. I even took a walk around the exam center; this made me sure of my exam venue and relaxed my mind.

What are some tips for writing Post UTME?

Below are some tips every student who wants to pass their post UTME examination excellently must follow;

Always Eat Well and Stay Healthy

One of the most surprising findings is that regular physical activity is highly recommended when it comes to improving your memory. By engaging in physical activity, you can expand your brain’s capacity.

To keep your physical and emotional well-being, you need to work hard and pay attention to the smallest of details. Never skip a workout, and never forget to show your body some love.

Everything You Need to Know About Post UTME exam

You will maintain your physical health if you regularly eat a diet rich in nutrients. Do not include soda and other sugary drinks and snacks in your usual diet. Vegetables and protein-rich foods should also be a part of your diet.

In addition, eating many fruits will help your body run more efficiently and enhance the brain workforce.

Keep calm and avoid anxiety

Anxiety and tension could make you fail your post UTME exam despite proper preparations, as you would get disorganized due to the feeling of strain.

You will start to have second thoughts about your abilities. You may pick the erroneous answer alternatives on the test in this state of mind. Believe what I say since I am speaking from personal experience.

On the day of your exam, you can find yourself overcome with anxiety. You feel inadequate compared to the number of other students taking the same exam as you.

On the day of the exam, make an effort to maintain your composure. Maintain control of your breathing and tell yourself that you will be successful.

Follow the rules and regulations of the Post UTME exam

The post-UTME examination has specific guidelines that you must follow to succeed in the screening process.

Many students are unsuccessful after taking the post UTME because they do not follow even the most essential guidelines.

Before you begin the exam, make sure you pay attention to all of the instructions and prioritize following all of the guidelines and regulations precisely as they are written.

What Is the Difference Between JAMB and Post UTME Exam

The Joint Admission Matriculation Board (JAMB) is a National examination authority in Nigeria whose work ensures fairness in the country’s higher education institutions. The board has oversight and control over the admissions process.

Students must score well on the JAMB exam to be considered for admission.

The post-UTME is a test conducted by universities in Nigeria to screen candidates who have applied to the institution and have met the minimum cut-off mark for the institution.

The post-UTME is usually conducted a few weeks to months after the release of the UTME results.

It is important to note that the post-UTME is not a replacement for the UTME. Candidates must still sit for and pass the UTME before their desired institutions.

Difference Between Screening and Post UTME

The screening process and the post-UTME exams are the same. On the other hand, some schools merely need applicants to submit an online application and do not administer a post UTME exam as part of the selection process.


You must be aware that all institutions in Nigeria conduct post-UTME screening and registration. Although some universities and polytechnics do not need applicants to take post-UTME examinations, many others do.

Post UTME Syllabus

The post UTME syllabus is also similar to the JAMB syllabus, and you must not study outside the syllabus to avoid failure in the examination.

Be sure of your desired institution post UTME format.

Top Post UTME CBT Practice App

mobile app

  • OAU Post UTME Questions Offline
  • UNIZIK Post UTME-Past Questions & Answers (Offline)
  • All JAMB Post UTME Questions & Answers
  • UNIPORT Post UTME Past Questions
  • Jamb and Post UTME Questions
  • G-Best DELSU Post UTME Offline
  • JAMB CBT + WAEC Past Questions by Myschool
  • My UNN Post UTME App by Allschoo
  • All Universities Post-U.T.M.E offline
  • FUTO Post UTME Past Questions- Offline (Study App)

Books to Read for Post UTME

Everything You Need to Know About Post UTME exam

Below is a list of books to read for the post UTME examination to study effectively:

  • English: Invisible Teacher, A-Z English Textbook by Dele Ashade
  • Mathematics: Integrated Mathematics Textbook by Afolabi J.R
  • Chemistry: New School Chemistry
  • Biology: Modern Biology
  • Physics: Lamlad’s SSCE & UTME Physics by O. Ajaja and H.B. Olaniyi
  • Government: Comprehensive Government for Senior Secondary Schools
  • Literature: Exam Focus Literature-in-English
  • CRS: Study the Bible with the JAMB syllabus
  • Economics: Essential Economics for Senior Secondary Schools
  • Past Questions: Schools Post UTME Past Questions and Answers


You can succeed in your Post UTME examination through your determination, perseverance, and consistency; successful students don’t give up and always aim for the best.

Do well to ask any questions or drop your comment(s) in the comments section below on everything You Need to Know About Post UTME exam as I would love to hear from you. Feel free to contact us.

About Abayomi

Abayomi is an education student and a certified content and prolific writer in Nigeria who is concerned with serving scholars across all nations with in-depth research and quality content.

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