Top 3 Redhead Scholarships worth More Than $500

Top 3 Redhead Scholarships Worth More Than $500

What are the top 3 Redhead scholarships worth more than $500? – The rising cost of living as a student each year is becoming challenging to afford. And at most times, you will want to apply for a scholarship, but your trait of being a redhead student might disqualify you, or it needs to be among the requirements needed.

Most scholarships out there will consider you to be a blond hair or red hair student or require you to have one or two personal traits before you can be eligible to apply.

However, all these kinds of scholarships that allow students to have personal traits like naturally red hair, blond hair, and more are categorized under the term “Weird Scholarship.” And if you cannot meet up with the trait, you will not be considered for the scholarship.

So, in this article, we will talk about the red hair scholarship, its requirements, and also how you can apply for the scholarship. After, we will also list out the top 3 scholarships worth more than $500; you can apply as a redhead student, with their requirements.

Any scholarship that will consider you to have a personal trait before you can apply is termed a weird scholarship. Hence, this segment will discuss the requirements, scholarship worth, and how you can apply for the redhead scholarship.

Redhead Scholarship Overview

The redhead scholarship is for students who are naturally born with red hair, just like how we usually hear of scholarships eligible only for orphans and many more. These types of scholarships mainly required little from students than sharing personal stories on how it feels to be born with red hair.

Redhead Scholarship Requirements

Before you apply, make sure you meet the requirements. Here are the redhead scholarship requirements:

  • You must reside in the United States
  • You must have a GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale
  • Applicants must be a citizen of the US before they can be considered
  • You must have red hair from birth. All pictures taken from birth will be provided before you can be considered
  • You must also intend to apply for a four (4) year approved college
  • Applicants must also submit an essay on what it means to be born with red hair

Redhead Scholarship Worth – The redhead scholarship is worth $500 for all qualified students. After applying for the scholarship, the sponsor will email you if you are picked for the scholarship.

Scholarship Deadline – The redhead scholarship is mainly around the first four months of every year. That is from January to April every year. And from April, no application will be accepted till the following year.

How to Apply for the Redhead Scholarship

To apply for the redhead scholarship, you send a mail to the sponsor at with your name and other requirements. You will be emailed for an interview if you are eligible for the scholarship.

3 Redhead Scholarships Worth More Than $500

Below are the three (3) Redhead scholarships that are worth more than $500:

1. Frame My Future Scholarship

The first scholarship on our list for redhead students is the Frame My Future Scholarship. The Church Hill Classics offers the scholarship, and all students, both graduates, and undergraduates, who are excited about their future and have a detailed view of how they want it to be are eligible to apply for the scholarship.

Eligible students will be chosen based on how creative they are as regards how they form their future using painting, poetry, and many other artworks. Aside from submitting creative artwork, they will also submit an essay of 500 words explaining the artwork and why they want their future to be that way.

And if you are a redhead student, and you are creative enough to attend the contest to win the scholarship. It is an excellent opportunity to picture how you want your future to be through artwork and earn a scholarship.

Frame My Future Scholarship Requirements

Before you can be eligible to apply for the frame my future scholarship, you must;

  • Intended to be enrolled in any United States university or college as a full-time student
  • Be a legal United State resident.
  • Submit your artwork and 500 words essay before the deadline.
  • Not already working with Churchill Hill Classics

Additionally, your GPA isn’t required; only your artwork and essay are needed, as are some of your details.

Scholarship Worth – The Frame My Future Scholarship is far worth from $1000 to $6000.

How to Apply for the Frame My Future Scholarship

To apply for the frame my future scholarship, you first visit their official website for the scholarship contents to know if the application is on. If it’s on, you will submit an online application of your artwork and also your 500 words essay explaining how you think your future will be.

2. R.L. Sexton Memorial Scholarship

Another scholarship for redhead students is the R.L. Sexton Memorial Scholarship. Unlike the Frame My Future Scholarship, you have to submit your artwork explaining how you want your future to be, the R.L. Sexton Memorial Scholarship is different.

The scholarship is targeted at students who are studying or want to study technology, psychology, or human resources. Consider applying if you are a redhead student studying in any of these fields.

The R.L. Sexton Memorial Scholarship Requirements

Before you can be considered for the scholarship, you must meet the requirements, among the requirements needed includes:

  • You are studying or want to study in the field of technology, psychology, or human resources.
  • You must be a high school student or an undergraduate student.
  • Applicants’ financial status should be low.
  • 400 – 600 words essay is required.

Scholarship Worth – The R.L. Sexton Memorial Scholarship is worth $1000 for eligible students.

How to Apply for the R.L. Sexton Memorial Scholarship

To apply, visit the R.L. Sexton Memorial Scholarship and explain in a 400 – 600 words essay, “what challenges have you had to overcome to get to where you are today and how you plan to make a positive impact on the world through your career?”

3. HRCap Next-Gen Leadership Scholarship

The HRCap is one of the largest Asian American Executive Search & Human Resources Consulting firms. And as a redhead student interested in leadership, consider offering the HRCap Next-Gen Leadership Scholarship.

They offer scholarships for students that present the values of their brand. Among the values include being professional in terms of leadership, cultural diversity, human development, and integrity.

Scholarship Worth – The HRCap Next-Gen Leadership Scholarship is worth $1500, depending on the position you won as a finalist. First-place winners are eligible to win a sum of $1500 each, second-place winners $1000 each, and third-place winners are eligible to win the sum of $500.

How to Apply for the HRCap Next-Gen Leadership Scholarship

To apply for the scholarship, you must submit a valid school email address, a leadership essay of 500 to 750 words, a resume that states your language influence, and much more. However, for more information, you can visit the registration portal.

Additionally, in case the registration has closed, you can keep in touch with the firm to know when they will open next by writing down your essay and preparing your resume.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can also check the frequently asked questions related to the redhead scholarship.

How much is the Scholarship for Redhead Worth?

The scholarship for redhead is worth the sum of $500. However, there isn’t a fixed price; as a result, the worth of the scholarship can change in no time.

Can You Get a Scholarship for Having Red Hair?

Yes, you can get a scholarship for having red hair. There is a scholarship program for students born naturally with red hair. Some other scholarships don’t require you to have red hair, and they want your creativity.

Can I Get a Scholarship for Having Red Hair Despite Using Glasses?

Apparently, Yes, you can get a scholarship for having red hair despite using glasses. One of the requirements for the redhead scholarship program is for students to be born naturally with red hair.

And since you already have that, you can get the scholarship.

Is the Redhead Scholarship only for High School Students?

Yes, for now, the redhead scholarship is only for high school students. But in the upcoming years, the scholarship will be advanced for college or university students.


Redhead Scholarships are for students who are naturally born with red hair. Some will require your creativity through essays or your artwork. Others will like to know your values and how they are related to their brand’s values. Which we already listed in the various redhead scholarships worth more than $500.

About David Umoz

David Umoz is a pro and certified scholarship content writer who sincerely desires to inform scholars about details and how to apply for financial grants, scholarships, and loans.

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