Student Part-Time Job Openings In Nigeria

Are you looking for a way to supplement your income with student part-time job openings? Do you attend a school of higher learning in Nigeria? Do you need a way to supplement your income while in school? While you finish your degree, choose one of these top 12 occupations. Find out the typical student part-time job openings in Nigeria, where students may find the best employment, and how much money they can make by reading this article.

Student Part-Time Job Openings

How to Find Student Part-Time Job Openings For University Student in Nigeria

If you’ve decided to supplement your education with student part-time job openings, the next step is to look for an appropriate position. Below are some places to find part-time jobs for students in Nigeria.

Traditional Classified Advertisements

Before the widespread use of the Internet, classified adverts were the exclusive means of publicizing available positions and locating prospective employees. You may find examples of these kinds of adverts in both company headquarters and regional and national periodicals. In addition to the newspapers, it is a good idea to peruse the major noticeboards in the city where you are enrolled in school.

Given the low cost and high potential return, many local companies will choose to advertise here. On the other hand, online employment portals like Fiverr and Upwork have surpassed the popularity and efficiency of these traditional forms of advertising.

Explore Facebook’s Groups

In Nigeria, Facebook has exploded in popularity. Users interested in a common topic may pool their postings into a single location through its group functionality. Other users have also posted related content. Many Nigerian small companies, especially hospitality companies, post part-time employment vacancies in these forums. Groups specific to a particular city or town will often provide job listings from companies in that area.

Use online job sites

Job-seekers may choose from a plethora of reputable web resources. Many Nigerians find temporary work via GrabJobs. Skills, industries, and salary ranges are all accessible in their database. Using a site like GrabJobs is innovative in today’s competitive employment market. All ads are up-to-date, and new jobs are constantly posted. Furthermore, you may access such sites remotely from any place, even if you are studying in a different part of Nigeria from your home.

Top Student Part-Time Job Openings in Nigeria

Freelance Writing and Copywriting 

If you’re good with words and looking for work, try your hand at freelance writing or look for blogs that require contributors. You might even try your hand at ghostwriting or content creation for companies, publishers, and websites. 

If you like writing but see the need to improve your craft, many paid and free resources are available to help you do so.  

Editing and Proofreading Services 

If you have a good grasp of English and a keen eye for detail, consider pursuing a career as an editor or proofreader. There is a constant demand for proofreaders since so many people publish content online through blogs, articles, eBooks, screenplays, tales, and project documentation. Any of these people would be willing to hire you if you have a marketable soft talent. Using programs like Microsoft Word and Grammarly may help you become a better editor and proofreader. 

Sell Stock Photographs

Students may make much money in their spare time by selling stock photos online.

Photographers specializing in stock photography capture photos of goods for publication and online sale. Photographers may quickly amass a sizable fortune by specializing in producing and selling product photographs.

To start selling stock photos, you’ll need to shoot high-quality shots of things you know would be in demand. Then, you may utilize stock photo marketplaces like Shutterstock or Fotolia to connect with consumers interested in purchasing such photographs. Find customers, negotiate a price per picture, and then hand them the digital download.


Dropshipping might be the answer if you’re seeking a simple method to generate money while still in school.

Dropshipping is a straightforward business strategy for the Internet that eliminates the need to keep stock of things you want to sell. You must create a website or sales page to start selling your wares online.

You need to begin by identifying things for which there is a strong demand and a high willingness to pay. After you’ve stocked your shop with these items, you can start promoting them to potential customers.

You must stock various products for on-time delivery of client orders and choose a dependable shipping method. The potential earnings from dropshipping while still in school are high.

Publish eBook

Publishing eBooks is a great online business to start if you’re searching for part-time work from home that suits students. The convenience and portability of electronic books have made them a hot commodity among today’s student population.

You may digitally write and distribute your eBook using sites like Amazon Kindle and Apple iBook Author. After writing your eBook, you are left to promote it to readers. Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites, as well as online forums and blogs, are all great places to accomplish this. Another option is paid promotion via channels like Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, etc.

You need a well-thought-out promotional campaign if you want to see success with your eBook publishing endeavor. The cover you choose for your eBook is one of the first contact points between your book and prospective readers. Finally, ensure the material you give is of good quality and relevant to your audience’s needs.

Graphics Designing 

You may earn money as a student by taking on freelance graphic design work. If you’re talented at what you do and have customers who appreciate good design, you may make more than $5,000 for creating a single flyer. Your own computer, laptop, and reliable power source are all you need to get started. For the time being, even your phone will do. 

Tailoring / Fashion Design 

We all like dressing up at faculty, department, and resident hall meals. This is a fantastic chance for anybody with sewing skills to earn additional money throughout the academic year. A sewing machine and a place to cut and stitch are all required. If you need to sew but don’t own a machine, you may approach an expert in the field and negotiate to use their device whenever you have orders. In exchange for this service, you can provide a token payment or, in some cases, get fortunate and have the machine delivered for free. 

If you’re a student in Nigeria and you can sew and wear fantastic outfits to lectures, your classmates will ask you where you got them, and you’ll have a ready market for your wares. Tada! Now is your opportunity to advertise your part-time business. You may earn the same respect as a top-tier fashion designer with the right branding and packaging. 

Online Transcription Jobs

Transcribing an audio recording into text is known as transcription. It’s a fantastic method to generate money online, but you’ll need expertise and training to succeed. If you meet those two requirements, then this remote position may be perfect for you!

To start as a transcriber, you must first equip yourself with a high-quality computer, Internet connectivity, and headphones or speakers. The next step is to get instruction in transcribing so that you may become proficient.

After this is finished, you can start scheduling projects on websites like Upwork and Fiverr, where people are eager to pay big money for excellent work done by professional employees like you.

Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistant work is excellent since it doesn’t require specific skills or expertise and can be done from anywhere. To become a Virtual Assistant, you only need computer familiarity, a strong work ethic, and plenty of enthusiasm.

Email and appointment scheduling are just two examples of the everyday duties that a virtual assistant is employed to do for organizations and individuals.

You can do your job as a Virtual Assistant without ever setting foot in the office. Making money online is possible from the comfort of your home or anywhere with ready access to computers and internet connections (like a friend’s).

Hair fashioning/barbing 

The University community is a great place to get customers if you have experience with hair design or barbering. You may also earn money by working as a hairdresser at a salon. Since most people, particularly women, have their hair done once per week, two weeks, or a month, this is one of the best part-time occupations a student can have.  

Start YouTube Channel

Making videos for YouTube might be a great way to supplement your income while in school. An excellent option to make some extra money while in school is via one of the various online jobs that can be found on YouTube.

Creating a YouTube account is the first step. After signing up, you can start adding your videos. You may get the word out about your channel by submitting videos to Google Preferred (previously known as the Advertiser Program) and YouTube Partners and posting links to your channel on social media and other websites.

Be bold and give YouTube a go if you’re a student looking to supplement your income.

Social Media Manager

If you’re a student seeking a flexible internet career that pays well, consider a social media manager. This high-pressure role requires candidates to be familiar with social networking sites, including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

If you were hired as a company’s social media manager, you’d handle all of their online profiles. To successfully spread the organization’s message, you need a firm grasp of the intricacies of social media.

While the duties of a social media manager might vary widely, all of them need fluency in online marketing and customer service.


The ability to earn money as a college student in Nigeria is crucial. The funds will help cover basic expenses and educational fees. Finding a suitable part-time career is easy with the help of internet job sites like Fiverr. Begin your job search now.

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