10 Best Books on Financial Management in 2023

Books on Financial Management

Reading as a process is one of the best things a person can engage in, and when we read best books on financial management, we have the ability to manage our finances wisely, at our own pace and will. However, should we just read?

No, some great thinkers, as a result of the numerous books available in the world, have advised that we lay our hands upon good books – to maximize our time.

A good book is any book that proffers solutions to our problems or comes very timely. Thus, with the assumption that you need to grow financially, we will share some of the best and widely read books on financial management in this article.

Remember that reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting – according to Edmund Burke, as you read on. Therefore, it will be ideal for deploying any good ideas you learn in a book to your life.

Why are Books on Financial Management Important?

If your life lags financially, you have just got to consult some financial therapists, many of whom will speak to you in books.

1. Become smarter and confident in handling money

In handling money, you get smarter or wiser as you see fit. This happens naturally as a consequence of learning. The part of confidence sets in when you have learned the reality of what you are about to do in a book.

2. Help you manage your money better

It is not an easy task to manage money, as simple as it may sound. Authors of books on financial management will guide you on the principles of financial management that have worked for them, helping you learn how to manage your money better.

3. Become much more prepared for life

Most financial management books tell you how some people have fallen, making the wrong financial decisions and how others who made the right decisions succeed. It does not end it – you will get to know what these decisions are and how to apply them to your life.

This can help you prepare for the life you are yet to live!

4. Learning From The Dead

The library could only be said to be a place where the dead are living because of the power of books! The greatest financial counselor in life may be in the grave. Laying your hands upon one of such a person’s books on financial management can help you learn quite directly from them.

Best Books on Financial Management

Be assured that adopting this growing method will cause great changes in your life. Are you ready? If you read to add value to your life, you can go for any of the following books.

1. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

This book is one of the greatest financial management books of our time by a living author. The book has made many sales over time and has no negative reviews by a single reader, as much as the internet has been able to gather. Let us show you why you need to get a copy of this book.

Robert Kiyosaki Toru is an American entrepreneur, investor, author, and educator born on April 8, 1947. He is the founder of Rich Global LLC, with an estimated net worth of about $100 million.

His perspective on money and investing is different from what the majority of the world initially holds. How?

Books on Financial Management

In Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert shows us two distinct points of view; a poor dad and a rich dad, both of whom made his fathers – one by blood and the other by friendship extension, respectively. Knowing how these people think will help you decide which of the two is the best.

The central point in this book is how to use money as a piece of equipment for development. Robert’s idea of becoming rich in this book contrasts with the popular saying that the rich are born rich. You will learn how a little money can make you rich in the book.

Being a successful man himself, Robert’s book will teach you a lot of tips for financial management, many of which you never took for anything. It is one of the best places to learn about the full concept of assets and liabilities; how the things you take for assets are liabilities to you.

2. Unlock It by Dan Lok

Dan Lok is a highly rated Chinese-Canadian successful businessman and YouTuber. There are chances you must have heard of his name if you are conversant with YouTube videos.

The bookworm has over 4 million subscribers on his YouTube channel, where he teaches several things, including financial management tips. He wrote “Unlock It,” quite recently, a book that has attracted the general public’s attention due to readers’ positive reviews.

There are many reasons why you should expect to learn a lot about financial management in this book. One reason is that, on average, Dan Lok reads three to four books weekly. Remember, readers are leaders. Secondly, the said book has been one many recommend to others on the internet.

unlock it by dan lok

In the said book, Dan tells a story of his personal life, how he went from a poor immigrant to a successful figure in the world.

An analysis of the book shows that it teaches how to unlock several things like income, profit in businesses, and potential that may be buried in people. Everything’ Unlock It’ talks about revolves around financial activities, so add it to your bookshelf.

3. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

As the name suggests, this well-written 1937 book will help you think properly about how to grow rich. In the statement grow rich, we should realize this is not just a book that teaches people how to make millions with their last $50.

It is a great book that teaches how the road to becoming rich (financial management) should be taken, with several principles every aspiring millionaire should know.

Why should you get this book? Napoleon Hill is known to be the author of some incredible books of his time. He was a self-help non-fictional writer.

In Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon encourages people to have fervid expectations if they must improve their lives. Many of his books teach readers how to achieve success.

Books on Financial Management

Wikipedia, in a publication, also noted Napoleon’s Think and Grow Rich as one of the best-selling self-help books of all time. It is a good book any bookworm will recommend you read to build your financial management skills.

Another good news is that this book’s hardcover costs as little as $8.49, while its paperback is $7.49 if you make your order on Amazon.

4. Principles by Ray Dalio

Investor Ray Dalio’s Principles is a book that teaches people to be successful, viewing the world from the author’s point of view. It is a great book that has helped many improve their financial lives in the past.

Ray wrote this piece with the opinion that the principles he followed to be a successful businessman could also work for any other person.

You need these books because any subject’s principles are always constant! After reading this piece, you will learn not to follow gimmicks but make the best decisions.

There are certain constant principles in the finance area of life, all of which you need to know to maintain a steady and good financial life. These principles are taught in Ray Dalio’s book of Principles.


The 592 pages Principles hardcover sells for as little as $16.29 on Amazon. You can as well request the PDF of this book for free online. The value you will be open to in this book is way more expensive than you can imagine.

If you have some money with you now, rest assured that Principles is one awesome financial management book you will not regret.

5. The success system that never fails by W. Clement Stone

The Success System that Never Fails is an inspirational and motivational book by Clement Stone that will help you get started with your journey to be a successful businessperson and also guide you on maintaining the stand.

Clement shares his story, as well as other people’s success stories in the said book, to help readers learn from different people’s failure and success attitudes. This can go a long way to help you decide what to do even before you are faced with certain circumstances in your financial management journey.

Why should you read Clement’s work? Like Napoleon Hill, Clement Stone is a self-help-based author. A source also had it that Clement was a close friend of Napoleon in his time – so you can see that both of them are self-help book enthusiasts.

the success system that never fails

With written words, this author has changed many people’s lives in this book. He is a strong believer in a positive mental attitude. In his active years, Clement was an American philanthropist, businessman, and author who made many positive impacts in the world with his pen.

Amazon sells this book’s hardcover and paperback for $14.99 and $20.99, respectively.

6. The Richest man in Babylon by George S. Clason

The richest man in Babylon is one of the greatest financial management books of all time. Any bookworm recommending books to help improve your financial life will not cease to mention it. The book was first published in 1926.

Clason, in the book, reveals that the secrets to wealth development remain relevant and are unchanging throughout history. Learning from mistakes will teach you to work hard and build wealth.

The author – George Samuel Clason, born on November 7, 1874, in Louisiana, Missouri, was an American author popularly associated with his most famous book, The Richest Man in Babylon. The author was said to have served in the American army during the Spanish-American war.

Books on Financial Management

He is very well-known for writing short books on how to achieve financial success. The common phrase “Pay yourself first,” was credited to his name.

Clason was married twice with two children who also grew to become authors. After so many write-ups and starting two companies, Clason died a success on April 5, 1957.

You can get the Richest Man in Babylon‘s paperback and hardcover for $11.39 and $12.39 on Amazon.

7. Poor Charlie’s Almanack by Charlie Munger

Even though it is mainly based on investment, Poor Charlie’s Almanack is another financial management book you should get for yourself if you want to be a successful entrepreneur or investor. In this book, you will learn from Charlie Munger, an icon worth your mentor.

Why should we learn from Charles Munger? Thomas Charles Munger is an experienced, successful businessman who has worked on the board of several world’s ruling companies over the years.

poor Charlie' almanack

He is Warren Buffett’s (one of the world’s richest men) decades’ business partner. The 1924-born American investor is also known to be Warren Buffett’s closest partner, as described by the businessman on some occasions.

With his attitude to success, Munger worked with many figures you probably dream of meeting someday. Between 1984 and 2011, Munger was the chairman of Wesco Financial Corporation. He currently chairs two big organizations, the Daily Journal Corporation and Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway.

Charlie Munger is a man you should read because, in addition to his titles, he has no record of a significant flaw in financial management.

8. The Little Book of Common Sense Investing by John C. Bogle

You will get to know that ‘Common sense is not always common’ is not an idle word in this Bogle’s book. The author will reveal some simple but helpful tips that can help sustain your financial life.

About the authorJohn Clifton Bogle was one of the greatest American business magnates and investors in his lifetime. He was born on May 8, 1929, in Montclair, NJ. John, the author of TLBCSI, was a philanthropist who has helped many with money and knowledge of how to be successful in life.

The Little Book of Common Sense Investing

Before owning a company, the investor had worked as Wellington Fund’s assistant manager in 1955. Clifton was later the CEO and founder of The Vanguard Group. He was also said to be the creator of the first index fund. In 2019, the world lost this great businessman at age 89 in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, US.

The little book on common sense investing‘s hardcover and paperback sells for $30.97 and $70 on Amazon. If you can afford it now, wait no longer to get this financial management book.

9. The Latte Factor by David Bach & John David

Many are of the mentality that you need money to make money. Whether this is true or not, you will see it for yourself as you read this financial management book proposing that you do not have to be rich to live. It is one of the books we are recommending you get to build your financial management life.

About the authorsDavid Bach and John David are well-known American authors who wrote The Latte Factor, a self-help financial book that teaches how to sustain wealth.

Books on Financial Management

David Bach is also an entrepreneur and a motivational speaker who has written 12 published books between 1998 and 2022.

Amazon sells the hardcover of this book for just $10.49, while the paperback costs $15.25 on the same platform.

10. Fundamentals to Financial Management by Eugene F. Brigham & Joel F. Houston.

This book will mainly teach you about Business and Economics. The topic should give you an idea of what it is, by the way. Eugene and Joel, in this book, will teach you how time value can be equal to money. It is a good book you should get if you are ready to learn about the fundamentals of financial management from the comfort of your home.

It is a book of nearly 1000 pages with virtually everything you ever need to know about financial management in your personal and business life.

You can get this book online or request the hard copy – what matters is that you add the knowledge to it to yours. Amazon sells the paperback for $8.37 and the hardcover for $37.95, which is not bad.

Books on Financial Management

A review of this book by a reader, a United States citizen, shows that the book taught magic regardless of the number of colorful pictures in it, which at first made him lose interest, thinking that the fewer gimmicks a book is, the better it would be.

Another user equally said a finance book cannot be any bit simpler than Brigham’s explanation and examples in this book.


Since books are the wisest of counselors, books on financial management can help change your mind for the better. In this piece, we have made this topic easy by telling you the price and linking to the places where you can get each book.

Do not hesitate to get a copy of each of the books on our list, read behind closed doors, and watch yourself come out as a new being.

About Abayomi

Abayomi is an education student and a certified content and prolific writer in Nigeria who is concerned with serving scholars across all nations with in-depth research and quality content.

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