Chevening Fully Funded New Zealand Scholarship

NEADS Scholarship

Chevening Fully Funded New Zealand Scholarship, since 1983, Chevening has invited over 50,000 extraordinary professionals worldwide to study in the UK through government-funded scholarships and fellowships. Chevening Scholarships enable exceptional emerging leaders worldwide to pursue one-year master’s degrees in the United Kingdom.

Brief Description of Chevening Fully Funded New Zealand Scholarship

Since 1983, Chevening Scholarships has been the UK government’s worldwide awards scheme to produce global leaders. Chevening, funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and partner organizations, offers two types of awards: 

  • Chevening Scholarships and Chevening Fellowships, the beneficiaries of which are chosen personally by British embassies and high commissions around the world.

 Eligibility Criteria for Chevening Fully Funded New Zealand Scholarship

To be eligible for a Chevening Scholarship, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You must be a resident of a Chevening-eligible nation or territory.
  • You must return to your home nation for at least two years after your award expires.
  • By submitting your application, you should have completed all the components of an undergraduate degree that will allow you to secure acceptance into postgraduate study at a UK university. This is often equivalent to an upper second-class 2:1 honors degree in the United Kingdom.
  • Have a minimum of two years of work experience.
  • Apply to three distinct approved UK university courses and acquire an unconditional offer from one of these options by July 14, 2022.
  • Fulfill the Chevening English language requirement before July 14, 2022.

You are not eligible if:

If you meet the following criteria, you are ineligible for a Chevening Scholarship:

  • Have British or dual British citizenship (unless you are a British Overseas Territory citizen or hold BN(O) and are applying from Hong Kong).
  • Have refugee status in a country that is not a Chevening qualifying country. Scholarships are available to applicants who are nationals of a Chevening-eligible country and have refugee status in a Chevening-eligible country.
  • Are a current or former employee or a relative of a current or former employee of Her Majesty’s Government (including British embassies/high commissions; the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy; the Department for International Trade; the Ministry of Defense; and the Home Office) or a staff member of the Association of Commonwealth Universities (since July 2018).
  • Employees, previous employees, or relatives  of a current or former employee (as of July 2018) of Chevening Partner organizations can apply. Still, they cannot receive a Chevening Partner Award from the organization they work for, previously worked, or are related to.
  • Have previously studied in the United Kingdom with the assistance of a UK Government-funded scholarship.

How to Apply for Chevening Fully Funded New Zealand Scholarship

The Chevening website contains the online application form and the whole application procedure. Click HERE to apply 

Please remember that each opening and the closing date will be available on the Chevening website. Paper submissions may be permitted in some countries. If allowed, the deadline for paper applications may be sooner than for online applications, read the scholarship to study in New Zealand.

When applications are received, they are electronically checked against their qualifying criteria. Any applications deemed ineligible will be eliminated from consideration. Please keep in mind that your application cannot be altered once submitted.

Simple errors may disqualify you.


To access the application form, applicants must successfully answer all questions of the eligibility pre-screen. A wrong answer to one of these questions would result in the applicant failing the application’s pre-screening step.

To be deemed eligible, applicants must correctly complete all sections of the application form. Only suitable applications will be processed. The portions of the application form where candidates have made the most common mistakes are listed below.

Personal information

Applicants with dual citizenship from the United Kingdom will not be eligible for an award.

Working knowledge

Applicants must have worked a minimum of 2,800 hours. Those who cannot establish that they have performed the required hours will be disqualified.


The number of weeks worked multiplied by the number of hours worked per week will be used to compute your work experience. For this computation, a working week is 35-60 hours long, and an active year is 40-50 weeks long.

Among the most prevalent mistakes made by candidates were:

  • They did not work the required number of hours before submitting their application.
  • Incorrectly entering the total number of weeks worked in each year of employment.
  • Inputting an irrational number of hours or weeks worked (e.g., 2,000 hours rather than 20 hours per week).
  • Entering the same job experience input many times.

Selecting the same course

Applicants who enroll in the same courses at different universities will not be considered for a grant. Candidates must choose three distinct courses.

When applying for a Chevening Award, applicants must choose three courses. This implies that if you are not offered a place on your initial course option for any reason, you will have other options. It also gives our examiners a clearer view of your professional objectives, and they may advise your second or third-course choice as a better fit for a Chevening Award.

Choose your three courses with care. After completing your application, you will not be allowed to amend your course selections unless you are granted permission at the interview stage. You must apply independently to your chosen courses through the institution. Please apply as soon as possible to ensure a spot. To be eligible for a scholarship, you must receive an unconditional offer for one of your course options before the date specified in our application schedule for your application year.

Word count for application questions

Applicants must answer the essay questions within the word limit. Your application will be ineligible if the minimum word count is not met.


Applicants should not duplicate replies to any essay questions and should submit new and unique responses to each of the four topics. Please do not copy and paste the same answers into multiple boxes, as this will invalidate your application.


All applications are run through plagiarism software, which compares the application’s content to web sources. If an applicant plagiarizes, they will be disqualified. Applicants may include quotations but must credit the source as they would in an academic essay.

About David Umoz

David Umoz is a pro and certified scholarship content writer who sincerely desires to inform scholars about details and how to apply for financial grants, scholarships, and loans.

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