Calculating NOUN E-Exam and TMA Marks


The Nigerian National Open University’s Result Grading System.

NOUN E-Exams for the 2023_1 semester have begun, and the majority of NOUN students, particularly new students, want to know how the National Open University Of Nigeria (NOUN) calculates exam grades for E-Exams and TMA Scores.

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You will learn how to calculate NOUN E-Exam and TMA Scores in this article.

Brief Note

The E-Exam is graded higher than 70

The TMA grade exceeds 30.

TOTAL: 100%

How To Figure Out NOUN TMA Scores

TMA stands for Tutor Marked Assignment; for your registered courses, you are permitted three TMAs, which must be submitted prior to the semester exam. After submission, the grade will exceed 30.


Consider GST101 as a case study for the course.

Let’s say,

TMA 1 yielded a score of 10, TMA 2 yielded a score of 9, and TMA 3 yielded a score of 10.

Your TMA scores for GST101 total 29 out of a possible 30.

How do I calculate my E-exam score in addition to my TMA score?

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How To Determine NOUN E-Test Score

It’s uncomplicated!!!

Not all NOUN Exams queries have the same number of questions; some have 70, others 100, others 120, etc.

Example: (GST101) If, after taking the GST101 exam, you verified your score and found that you had answered 80 out of 100 questions correctly, you would have scored 80%. In addition, your TMA score for GST101 was 29/30, as stated previously.

To determine your cumulative score above 100, use the following formula:

Formula: X/Y x 70/1
In other words, if X is your score on the exam and Y is the total number of exam questions, then EXAM SCORE divided by NUMBER OF EXAM QUESTIONS multiplied by 70 is the answer.

Add whatever result you obtained from the calculation above to your TMA.

Let’s calculate:

Exam score (X) = 80

100 are the total number of exam questions (Y).

Accordingly, it will be 80/100 x 70.

The outcome is 56

Your test result is 56

Note that your TMA score is 29.

Now, to calculate your final grade, add 56 exam scores and 29 TMA scores; the result is 85.

Therefore, GST101 = A.

Note that you will use the same calculation method whether the exam question is 120 or 150 points.

In the case of 70 questions, however, all you need to do is add your exam score to your TMA score.

Thus, if you scored 40/70 on the exam and 29 on the TMA,

Now, add 40 plus 29 to get your final grade: 69.

Your final grade is 69, which is equivalent to a B.

The NOUN uses the standard grading system, which is listed below:
0-39. — F 40-44 — E 45-49 — D 50-59 — C 60-69 — B 70-100 – A

Thank you for your attention.

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To achieve a total score greater than 100,

Assuming you scored 40/70 on the ECN101 exam and 30/30 on the TMA exam, your totals are: 40/70 in ECN101 and 30/30 in TMA.
Exam score plus test score equals 40 + 30 = 70

Therefore, your final grade for ECN101 would be 70/100. Which is a ‘A’.

Before we calculate the GPA for nouns, note that:

70-100 = A. 60-69 = B. 50-59 = C. 45-49 = D. 40-44 = E. 39+ = F.

Now, let’s presume that I completed 11 courses and that, after calculating scores, my grades in those 11 courses were as follows, along with their units. Assuming that these were my courses, grades, and units;

1) ECN101 – B. 2unit course
2) TFC116- B. 2unit course
3) ENT121 – C. 3unit course
4) BAT128- C. 2unit course
5) GMB142 – A. 2unit course
6) BRF136- A. 3unit course
7) KFC108- A. 2unit course
8) GEJ158 – D. 3unit course
9) OBJ114 – D. 2unit course
10) IBB131 – E. 2unit course
11) FFK104- F. 2unit course

Now, there are eleven courses with their grades and units displayed in front of them. Let us comprehend the grades;

A = 5, B = 4, C = 3, D = 2, E = 1, F = 0.

How to Determine NOUN GPA

Now, let’s begin with the first course for GPA calculation, ECN101.

I earned a B in ECN101. Since B= 4.
I will multiply 4 by the course’s unit, which is 2 units.
So; 4 × 2unit= 8. So for ECN101 = 8.

Next is LAW116, in which I earned a B. Since it is a 2unit course, I’ll calculate 4 x 2units= 8. So, TFC116 = 8.

Next is ENT121, which received a C and is a 3-unit course (C = 3). Therefore, the calculation is: 3 x 3 units = 9. ENT121 = 9.

Next is BAM128, a 2-unit course in which I earned a grade of C. The calculation is as follows: 3 x 2 units = 6. BAT128 = 6.

Next is BUS142, a 2-unit course for which I earned an A (A=5). So; 5 x 2units= 10. GMB142= 10.

Next is BIO136, a 3-unit course for which I earned an A. So; 5 x 3units= 15. BRF136= 15.

Next is CHM108, a 2-unit course for which I earned an A. So: 5 x 2units= 10. KFC108 = 10.

Next is GEO158, a 3-unit course in which I earned a D, D = 2. So; 2 x 3units= 6. GEJ158= 6.

Next is CHM114, a 2-unit course in which I earned a D. So; 2 x 2units= 4. OBJ114= 4.

Next is ECO131, a 2-unit course for which I earned an E. E = 1. So; 1 x 2units= 2. IBB131= 2.

Next is AGR104, a 2-unit course in which I earned an F. F = 0. So; 0 x 2units= 0. FFK104=0.

Now that we have completed the calculations for all 11 courses, we must finalize the project by summing all of the course calculations. Therefore, this gives us;

8 + 8 + 9 + 6 + 10 + 15 + 10 + 6 + 4 + 2 + 0 = 78.

Now, compute the total units for the entire course;

2 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 25.

Therefore, divide the course addition by the total number of units.

Which is; 78 divided by 25 equals 3.

In conclusion, your NOUN grade point average is 3.0. This is a second-class inferior.

GPA Classification: noun

After calculating your NOUN GPA, your GP can be categorized as:

First Class: 4.50 or greater. Second Class Upper: 3.50 to 4.49 points.
Second Class Lower: 2 to 3 49.
Third Class: 1.50 to 2.49.

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