How To Know a Person with Low Intelligence – 10 Common Signs

How To Know a Person with Low Intelligence

How to know a person with Low Intelligence – Our daily technological advancements have reduced an organization’s tendency to employ an individual; someone like me will want to mingle with someone with high Intelligence.

But why? The answer is very clear, as John Wooden says, and I quote, “Whatever you do in life, surround yourself with smart people who’ll argue with you,” and I don’t think I will ever wrap myself with someone with low Intelligence, but who is a person with low Intelligence?

Who is a person with Low Intelligence

A person with low Intelligence can be referred to as a person that is deficient in a general sense, understanding, comprehension, and communication skills.

At the same time, the Intelligence Quotient known as IQ is an overall score from a test made to calculate human intellectual capability.

Disclaimer: This post is not written to test or judge individuals with low IQ scores, mental deficiencies, learning, and intellectual disabilities. We are only concerned with letting you know the signs you see in a normal person with low Intelligence, nothing more or less.

10 Signs of A Low Intelligent Person

1. They are not curious

Depending on our recent research on low Intelligence, we discovered that curiosity is never found in a person of low Intelligence. Intelligent people ask questions, want to learn, and seek and acquire more knowledge skills.

Mario Testino says, “My favourite words are possibilities, opportunities, and curiosity. I think if you are curious, you create opportunities, and then if you open the doors, you create possibilities.” And a quote by Amala Akkineni,” Critical thinking and curiosity are the key to creativity.”

The above quotes explain the dangers of not being curious, commonly found in a low-intelligence person.

We can conclude that a person with low Intelligence won’t create opportunities; they will be unable to create possibilities and open doors. Oh, did you think the open doors mean a normal door? Open door in this article means a “new beginning,” a figure of speech called a metaphor,” are you learning something?

2. Closed Mindedness

Sensibly speaking, people that don’t ask questions, as stated above, will think they are always right, and this is always found in a person with low Intelligence; we can classify this as closed mindedness.

A person of low Intelligence is closed to others people’s opinions and ideas exist in their ready-made knowledge and are anti-learning of new things.

low intelligent quotient

Connecting the dots, according to Bo Bennett, “the only place opportunity cannot be found is in a closed-minded person,” we clearly stated above that a person with low Intelligence wouldn’t create opportunities.

We can conclude that a person with low Intelligence will be deficient in knowledge and understanding as they are not ready to hear others people’s opinions and can’t create opportunities.

3. Lack of Tolerance

Still, depending on our recent research, a person with low Intelligence cannot tolerate or endure other people’s opinions.

According to Mahatma Gandhi, “Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding,” we clearly stated above that a person with low Intelligence would lack understanding, and this wonderful quote has already validated the point.

4. Critical thinking

A person with low Intelligence cannot use their minds to consider a different perspective on issues and get the solution to the issues; they fail to think critically/properly before taking a decision.

According to Henry Ford, “thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it,” the intelligent quote clearly states that critical thinking is really difficult, but why?

How To Know a Person with Low Intelligence

Critical thinking is difficult because it goes against how the mind works as it has to consider other people’s opinions before making a decision, which is impossible for a person with low Intelligence.

5. Lack of Creativity

Creativity is the ability to create and generate new ideas from imagination or original ideas. A person with low Intelligence cannot be creative as it requires critical thinking.

According to Amala Akkineni, “Critical thinking and curiosity are the keys to creativity,” this quote clearly states that to be creative, you must exhibit critical thinking and curiosity, which does not exist in a person with low Intelligence.

Lack of creativity is also one of the 10 signs to know a person with  low intelligence

6. Poor Decision Making

Although normal humans are prone to make wrong decisions at times, based on our recent findings, people with high Intelligence usually make the best decision as it requires the brain and mind to think critically of various solutions and eventually select the best.

According to Plato, “a good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers,” we can deduce from this quote that good decision-making is nearly impossible in a person of low Intelligence as they lack correct knowledge.

7. Lack of Self Control

You need to overcome low Intelligence because people with it can’t think critically and make good decisions. Yet, they can’t control their emotions and desires, which worsens, especially in difficult times.

Self Control is closely related to Intelligence; an anonymous said, “If you can learn self control you can master anything,” this wonderful quote validates our definition of a person with low Intelligence as someone who can’t comprehend easily.

Self Control can only be found in a person with high Intelligence because it requires mental work.

8. Lack of Empathy

Have you ever noticed that a person with low Intelligence is mean and aggressive to others, even in people’s pitiful state of condition? This is because a person with low Intelligence cannot understand and share others people’s emotions or feelings.

How To Know a Person with Low Intelligence

This is why a person with high Intelligence will render help; the reverse is the case for a person with low Intelligence.

9. Poor Inter-Personal Skills

One of the signs to know a person with low Intelligence is the inability to deal with people effectively and interact well with them.

A person with low Intelligence lacks good communication, empathy, active listening, and social skills.

10. Learning Apathy

When someone is said to have a learning apathy, it means they lack interest or enthusiasm towards learning, as it is commonly found in a person of low Intelligence.

According to Confucius, “he who learns but does not think, is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger,” from the quotes, we can imply that since a person with low Intelligence can’t think and learn.

In conclusion, a person with low Intelligence is lost and is in great danger; there are other signs to know a person with low Intelligence but the above ten (10) signs are the commonest ones.

About Abayomi

Abayomi is an education student and a certified content and prolific writer in Nigeria who is concerned with serving scholars across all nations with in-depth research and quality content.

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