Global Rescue Travel Insurance Review

Global Rescue Travel Insurance Review

When it comes to crisis management, medical emergencies, travel safety, and security, no one does it better than Global Rescue travel insurance.

If a member needs inpatient hospitalization while travelling more than 100 miles from home, they may obtain medical, security, advisory, intelligence, and evacuation services via Global Rescue’s Travel Membership. The membership price covers the cost of advising or evacuation services from the moment of accident or sickness, and members pay it upfront. (People may be sent to their preferred home country hospital for medical emergencies and to the closest secure region for security evacuations).

Global Rescue Travel Insurance Review

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The cost of an emergency evacuation might exceed $100,000 if you do not have a membership. With over a million members, you can be sure that Global Rescue will bring you home safely in an emergency.

What Is Emergency Medical Evacuation Insurance?

When you need to be transported from a less-than-ideal medical institution in a distant place to a more equipped facility, such as an airlift or ambulance, emergency medical evacuation insurance could help cover the cost of transportation.

Most all-inclusive travel insurance policies will cover medical evacuation as well. Medical evacuation and repatriation insurance is another name for emergency medical evacuation coverage.

If you prioritize a large coverage amount, comparing plans to choose one with a higher maximum is advisable.

The top travel insurance policies cover medical evacuation expenses up to $1 million per person. Escaping a building may cost a giant penny, so it seems steep.

Who is Global Rescue membership for?

Adventure travellers—those who go to less-visited places, engage in riskier activities, and want more protection than standard travel insurance offers—are likely the target audience for Global Rescue’s membership offerings, even though the company targets leisure and extreme adventurers. This may also be true for tourists venturing to nations with questionable governments or inadequate infrastructure.

However, the high cost may discourage non-business tourists, particularly families, from signing up.

Benefits Of Global Rescue Travel Insurance

When visitors experience any emergency, from simple medical problems to more severe threats to their lives, Global Rescue is there to help. You may get these services anywhere globally as a member, and they cater to businesses, governments, and people. A few of their specialities are detailed below.

Field Rescue

Global Rescue was an early innovator in international field rescue for tourists in hazardous or inaccessible areas. Members more than 100 miles away from home may be rescued by their deployable teams of first responders and veterans of military special operations if they encounter a significant medical emergency. Hospitalization is not necessary to be eligible for field rescue services.

Health Care Evacuation

Deployable medical teams are part of the Global Rescue network, which has operations centres in six different nations. They collaborate with over 200 linked medical centres of excellence and over 1,000 contracted aeroplanes. This system can transfer you to the hospital you choose in the comfort of your home and deliver you the treatment you need faster than anybody else.

Security Extraction

Teams of former members of the military’s special operations units are on call 24/7 to assist Global Rescue. In times of crisis, such as natural catastrophes, terrorist attacks, or civil unrest, these teams provide assistance and rescue operations.

Medical Advisory Services

You will have round-the-clock access to doctors, nurses, and critical care paramedics if you have any questions, concerns, or medical emergencies while travelling.

Mobile App for MyGlobalRescue

Some features include instantaneous access to emergency help, geo-located check-ins, two-way in-app interactions, real-time incident monitoring, destination reporting, and G.P.S. tracking and notifications. Playable on Google Play for Android (v.4.4 and above) and the App Store for iOS (v. five and up).

When Do You Need Medical Evacuation Insurance?

Medical evacuation benefits may be a lifesaver if you travel and no local hospital has the equipment to treat your condition.

Your travel insurance may pay for a medical evacuation to the closest hospital to treat your injuries if you are involved in a significant vehicle accident in China. This hospital may be located in another part of China, another country, or even the United States.

If you are ever in a medical emergency while abroad, your travel insurance provider will be there to help you organize transportation.

Up to your policy’s medical coverage level, travel insurance policy travel medical insurance may cover medical bills, hospital stays, X-rays, lab work, medication, and other related charges. There are distinct coverage limitations for evacuation insurance and travel medical insurance. For instance, a substantial travel insurance policy may provide up to half a million dollars for emergency medical care and up to a million dollars for evacuation.

Your health permitting, your travel insurance will cover the cost of your return home.

Comparing Travel Insurance with a Global Rescue Membership: How Are They Different?

There is more to becoming a member of Global Rescue than just financial security. Unlike travel insurance, which primarily protects your funds, Global Rescue insurance provides many additional benefits.

Imagining an emergency circumstance when going overseas is something no one likes to do. But you can depend on Global Rescue’s committed team of security and medical experts in the case of an emergency. Who, no matter where you are, are ready to lend you a helping hand.

Global Rescue has amassed over one million subscribers thanks to guaranteeing a traveller’s rescue or being taken care of no matter where they are. Organizations like National Geographic, U.S. Ski & Snowboard, and NASA are also part of this group.

The readiness and willingness of Global Rescue to rescue you from any situation is the key differentiator between them and other insurance providers. Their first concern is ensuring you are safe and sound, not just compensating you for any costs you may have spent while travelling. This is crucial information for trips to Nepal and the world’s most inaccessible regions.

Is a Global Rescue membership worth it?

You and your family are the only ones who can determine whether the extra cost of a Global Rescue membership is worth it.

If you want the peace of mind from knowing that doctors and veterans are on your side in an emergency, you should probably get regular travel insurance and membership to Global Rescue. Regardless, it could be something to consider, particularly if your travels lead you to harsh locations.


There are hundreds of people working with Global Rescue in different offices all around the globe. Among them are several veterans of military special operations. We will get our members to a haven no matter how remote or rugged the location. We have completed over 10,000 operations, rescuing members from peril and ensuring their safety. If a member is sick or hurt, Global Rescue’s medical advisory services will help them understand what to do and provide sound recommendations.

An enjoyable fishing excursion shouldn’t be marred by anxiety about potential setbacks. You may rest easy knowing you will always go home safely with a Global Rescue membership.

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