Embedded Insurance: Definition, Examples, Benefits

Embedded insurance: Definition, examples, benefits

With embedded insurance, companies may offer their clients meaningful risk protection right from the start of the purchasing process, letting them choose whether to buy the product or service with or without coverage. Personalized protection at a reasonable cost may be provided smoothly to clients when and where they need it most, eliminating the need for them to abandon their trip to complete extra research or purchase insurance.

Embedded insurance: Definition, examples, benefits

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This is often done when you purchase; for example, you may buy travel insurance with an airplane ticket or mobile insurance alongside a new phone. But now, because of technological advancements, there are limitless ways in which digital insurance products may be integrated into a company’s value offering. Offering clients the option to buy insurance at the time of purchase may help them make a confident choice by lowering risk. This is true for an all-inclusive trip, concert tickets, a new e-bike, or online banking bill protection.

The term “embedded insurance” refers to incorporating insurance features into technology to allow any developer, regardless of industry, to easily integrate cutting-edge insurance solutions into their products and services, either as supplementary features or as integrated parts of their existing offerings.

Benefits Of Embedded Insurance

The appeal of embedded insurance to insurance firms is evident. Insurance is significantly more likely to be purchased if offered to you when you are already shopping, when you are most inclined to consider the cost of something and want to safeguard it, rather than when you are forced to seek it out separately.

Nevertheless, you also get several advantages from integrated insurance.


Insurance with embedded features makes purchasing coverage easier. You may purchase your insurance immediately when you’re ready to check out. You can buy insurance plans as quickly as ticking a box without dealing with another organization or an insurance salesperson.

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All the information you must choose, including the insurance terms and conditions, should be readily available when buying it. Make sure you read the fine print, although you may be able to pay over time and cancel your insurance anytime.

Tailored protection

Exactly two clients are the same. Your shopping habits, reasons, and choices are unique compared to other people. Every online action, from searching for products to making a purchase, is a voluntary disclosure of personal information. Insurance suggestions may be improved using the same data that allows retailers to endlessly chase you with adverts for that one pair of shoes you briefly contemplated purchasing online three weeks ago.

Insurers have a history of adapting slowly to policyholders’ evolving tastes. This is because antiquated information technology systems cannot adapt to changes in client demand. Embedded insurance triumphs over the old “same for all” mentality. Embedded insurance offers tailored safeguards by tailoring policy bundles to individual clients’ requirements.

Straightforward claims process

The insurance claims procedure is not always easy to understand and follow for consumers. Policy wording, value, and repair cost interpretations complicate it. Embedded insurance, conversely, makes filing claims a breeze by using information collected during onboarding. This bodes well for the likelihood of your claims being rejected.

The claims procedure could eventually become fully automated as technology advances. Using in-built sensors, ZhongAn, an online-only insurance provider in China, can identify broken screens and initiate the shipment of a replacement phone even before the user realizes they dropped it.

Protecting against financial disasters

A worldwide protection deficit of USD 2.1 trillion has been projected because to healthcare losses, natural disasters, and economic downturns. A one-time strategy to safeguard a new product could seem needless and inconvenient to the consumer. At least you can protect yourself against uninsured losses when insurance products are easier to buy. Consequently, the security gap is reduced, and you experience an increase in tranquility.

Compared to More Conventional Insurance Products, How Is Embedded Insurance Different?

People shop around for insurance policies because they want to be sure they’re protected. While each policy’s details may differ, embedded insurance has the potential to provide the same safeguards as more conventional policies.

On the other hand, Embedded insurance has several critical advantages over conventional choices that benefit everyone involved: customers, companies, and insurance companies. First, we’ll examine the differences between embedded and standard insurance packages.

Convenient Buying Experience

Convenience is the main difference between embedded insurance and conventional insurance. You may add embedded insurance as an add-on right to your purchase. Through the principal vendor, it adds immediate value to a purchase.

Aside from streamlining the buying procedure, this also makes it easier for customers to file claims with the original product seller if insurance is needed.

Put this ease of use next to the procedure of conventional insurance. Auto insurance is an additional expense that must be considered when purchasing a vehicle. Customers need to seek out insurance proactively rather than having it supplied at the moment of transaction.

This makes the post-purchase process far more complex and inconvenient for customers.


More individuals can get the coverage and protection they need with embedded insurance. For instance, when purchasing a vehicle, it is a legal requirement to get auto insurance. They are so compelled to seek out insurance policies.

But in most situations, having insurance is voluntary, so many may not acquire it or even know it exists. A good example would be the widespread lack of device insurance if Apple did not have an incorporated insurance option during checkout.


Embedding is your best bet if you’re looking for a more personalized insurance solution. Standard insurance policies are designed to cover everyone. Customers will have a few alternatives, but there won’t be much space for personalization.

Based on the customer’s purchasing history, the kind of purchase, and other factors, embedded insurance may be tailored to their unique requirements. Customers get a better and more fulfilling experience, and companies may improve their reputation via customization.


There is not much room for innovative teamwork in the conventional insurance industry. With embedded insurance, insurers and companies may form new relationships based on collaboration.

Insurance firms aren’t going to start selling iPhones and other wares out of the blue, and businesses aren’t turning into insurance providers either. Consequently, companies and insurers must work together to provide customers with embedded goods, ultimately leading to creative services and solutions.

Final Note

Insurance and other embedded products are booming. Daily, more and more customers use these cutting-edge services. Contact a seasoned FinTech development partner if you want to learn more about embedded insurance or any of their other embedded finance solutions.

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