Do I Need A car Insurance Lawyer?

car insurance lawyer

Car accident victims may have a lawyer handle their and the at-fault parties’ insurance companies. An attorney may help with documentation and settlement discussions. Attorney services may relieve some customers’ post-accident stress, mainly if they work with Maryland or other pricey insurance companies.

car insurance lawyer

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The Insurance Information Institute (III) reported in 2017 that Maryland drivers pay $1,150 for vehicle insurance, making it the 10th most expensive state. High payouts may make accident victims think working with insurance firms is simpler. However, this is not always the case, mainly if an accident causes significant injuries. No matter their profits, insurance firms may be picky about settlements. An automobile accident lawyer may assist in gathering evidence and determining the victim’s rights. So, let’s answer, ‘do I need a car insurance lawyer?’

Do I Need A Cat Insurance Lawyer?

You do not require legal representation to file a straightforward accident claim with your auto insurance provider. You ought to be able to submit a claim independently if the accident was minor, nobody was wounded, and the damage to both cars was not severe. But, you may want to consider getting a lawyer to assist you with your claim if the accident is very powerful.

Can you represent yourself in a car accident claim?

You may not necessarily need a car insurance lawyer. A car accident claim resolved directly between the claimant and the insurance company does not necessitate the services of an attorney. However, an attorney may be required if the case is particularly complex. To represent oneself, one must acquire knowledge of insurance claims procedures, comprehend relevant legislation, and establish guilt. When an attorney is unwilling to accept a minor claim, it may be necessary to represent oneself. It is critical to recognize one’s limitations and when assistance is required.

How Long Will My Insurance Claim Take To Resolve?

Your injuries, the severity of the accident, and the insurance company’s difficulty level will all play a role. Although the insurance company has 30 days to finish its investigation and decide who is to blame, this isn’t always feasible. Your damages can still be debated, even if liability is apparent.

It may take a few weeks or months to settle specific claims. Nevertheless, the claim resolution process might take months—if not years—if your injuries need substantial medical care or if the accident’s origin is in question. The insurance company’s practice of “slow-walking” a claim to get the injured party to settle for less is another unfortunate reality. Therefore, you must retain the services of an automobile accident lawyer who will fight for your rights from the beginning and finish of the procedure.

Does Getting A Car Insurance Lawyer Result In Bigger Settlements?

A car accident attorney can assist victims in gathering evidence so they can resume their daily activities while an attorney investigates the incident. They can provide proof that the negligent party was responsible and detail the adversities endured by the victim. Medical expenses, property damage restorations, lost wages, permanent physical disfigurement, and non-economic damages may be included in this evidence. Insurance companies might impose inadequate settlements when evaluating potential injuries, disregarding critical factors such as property damage and mental anguish. A legal representative specializing in car accidents can offer expert counsel, guaranteeing a settlement that accurately represents the full magnitude of damages and serving as a surrogate during settlement negotiations.

When is the right time to discuss a settlement with the insurance company?

Too frequently, individuals commit the error of resolving their auto accident claim prematurely. It is essential to have a comprehensive comprehension of the nature and extent of your physical and emotional injuries to assess your losses in their entirety. Determining this is not feasible until your medical condition has stabilized and you have attained the state known as “maximum medical improvement.” Consequently, it is generally recommended that you refrain from initiating settlement negotiations with the insurance company until you have completed your treatment, provided that the time allotment is well within the statute of limitations. (For this reason, you must consult with a qualified auto accident attorney immediately.)

Additionally, initiating settlement negotiations before completing the comprehensive investigation is generally not advisable. This may encompass identifying all parties potentially liable for the injuries sustained, evaluating various theories of liability, and collecting all pertinent evidence necessary to file a complaint or demand a settlement. This requires financial investment, time, and legal knowledge—resources that the average individual attempting to settle an auto accident claim rarely has access to. Consequently, it can be highly advantageous to retain the services of an auto insurance claim attorney with the necessary expertise to manage such affairs. This will enable you to concentrate on obtaining the required medical treatment to achieve optimal recovery.

How do the car insurance policies defend you?

Generally, each auto insurance policy includes language stating that the insurer will provide legal representation to the policyholder in the event of an auto accident and subsequent lawsuit seeking damages. The insurance company has a contractual “duty to defend” that requires it to provide all components of your policy’s various liability coverage varieties. Specific consumers acquire liability insurance to safeguard themselves financially if a catastrophe impacts their vehicle, personal property, or small business.

Situations When Your Insurance Company May Not Offer A Car Insurance Lawyer

As with numerous legal principles, the duty to defend is subject to multiple exceptions. Now, we shall examine the diverse circumstances in which your insurance provider is not inherently obligated to provide defense in the event of a car accident.

You Failed To Offer Notice Of The Accident

This alone does not justify failing to notify the insurer within the designated timeframe. Consider a scenario in which you sustain a severe injury that necessitates hospitalization or in which you are incapable, either physically or mentally, of informing the insurer regarding the incident. Under such circumstances, an extenuating circumstance will exist to justify your failure to provide adequate notice.

Do not risk your life doing so. It is imperative to do so following a vehicle accident in which it is impossible to notify the insurer.

An Intentional Act Caused The Accident

Should the insured be held accountable for the auto accident on the grounds of intentionality or fault, the entire coverage may be voided, and the obligation to defend may be nullified.

Automobile insurance policies provide coverage solely for negligent actions, irrespective of whether the actions were deliberate. Consequently, regardless of the underlying cause, the insured is presumed to have deliberately contributed to the automobile incident, given the substantial likelihood that the insurer will deny coverage for the collision and deny the insured’s attorney a chance to represent them in virtually any lawsuit arising from the crash.

Irresponsible driving is one such example. Certain insurance companies contend that driving under the influence of alcohol is deliberate behavior on the part of the insured; thus, in the event of a collision resulting from DUI, the insurer may deny coverage for any claim arising from the incident.

The Accident Damages For Other Drivers Exceed Policy Limitations

The other essential exception to the insurer’s duty is the provision of an applicable attorney. Simultaneously, the insurer has reimbursed the damages more than the coverage limit specified in your insurance premium. In general, the insurer has no further obligation to the insured once payment has been made.

It is crucial to be aware that the legal obligations of the insurance provider in this situation may vary from state to state. Therefore, independently consulting with a personal injury attorney in a given circumstance is highly advisable.

Don’ts Of Car Insurance Claims

Stay On Topic and Avoid Giving Out Personal Details

You may be confused about what happened and how it occurred, even if you were in an accident. Avoid making assumptions. Respond truthfully, but rely on facts rather than your opinion when questioned by law enforcement or insurance agents.

Defend Yourself

No matter how much you think you were to blame in an accident, you might be completely mistaken. Liability determination is a complex process. It necessitates considering a wide range of elements. Let the detectives and police do their jobs and decide who is to blame. You risk receiving an unfair settlement offer if you confess blame.  Regardless of whether you were the real cause of the accident.

Don’t Negotiate Directly with the Other Driver

Nobody else on the road can tell you how much your claim is worth. Damages and injuries may not be adequately reimbursed if negotiations are conducted outside the insurance procedure. You or your attorney will handle communications with the other driver’s insurance provider if they have coverage. You may inquire about possible coverage options with your insurance provider if the driver does not have insurance.

Before Reviewing Your Policy, Refrain From Providing Written Statements To The Insurance Company

Please read your policy carefully and familiarize yourself with its coverage before submitting any written information to your insurance provider. Furthermore, wait to provide any written or recorded statement until you know your responsibility, if any.

Don’t Do Anything to Make Your Injuries Worse

If you are injured in a car accident, consult a doctor immediately and follow your appointments. You must follow your doctor’s directions to optimize your recovery and compensation.

Never Blindly Believe an Insurance Agent’s Assessment

An insurance adjuster’s claim valuation information shouldn’t be trusted. Insurance companies are financially compelled to settle claims as little as possible. You may hire an attorney or assess harm yourself.


So, do you need a car insurance lawyer? You may bear legal responsibility for the car accident, and the other driver has filed a lawsuit against you. Your insurance provider, on the other hand. States that they have no legal obligation to provide financial support for your courtroom defense. What, then, ought you to do? The initial course of action would be obtaining a written declaration from the insurer regarding the decision.

You can determine your course of action after accepting the insurance company’s reasoning. You only need to locate the most cost-effective auto insurance providers that can provide you with legal representation.

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