Can A Microbiologist Become A Medical Doctor? Answered

Can A Microbiologist Become A Medical Doctor

Can a microbiologist become a medical doctor – Whether or not it is possible to become a medical doctor as a microbiologist is what we want to consider in this piece. The whole thing will not take long, but we will view the topic from different people’s points of view and let you know the detailed information.

Not only do you want to get a yes or no to this question, but it will also be better if you get to know the conditions (exceptions), etc., which would be justified on this page.

Please put your mind at rest as I walk you on the right path on the given topic. Let’s get started systematically. Is it wrong to say a microbiologist study a bit of biology? That is a wrong conception, following the orthodox standard – although many are moved to think this way.

Who is a Microbiologist?

Simply put, microbiology itself is the study of microorganisms. It is a branch of biology that scientifically focuses on viruses, bacteria, and other microscopic organisms.

Therefore a microbiologist is a certified student of microbiology.

Can A Microbiologist Become A Medical Doctor

Microbiologists touch on all aspects that concern the survival of microorganisms.

Frequently, microbiologists work to develop scientific knowledge to cause a change in the medicine industry.

If this remains accurate, the apparent similarities between microbiologists and medical doctors should tell us the answer to the question.

Who is a Medical Doctor?

A medical doctor is formally qualified to diagnose and treat (by several means) another person who is ill.

Given this, your local knowledge of treating people does not makes you a medical doctor. You need to go to school and study medicine until you are certified before you can be recognized as a doctor.

Can A Microbiologist Become A Medical Doctor

Medical doctors majorly work on research in other fields like microbiology and have helped carry out operations at the hospital. In a nutshell, both fields work hand in hand for the survival of living organisms.

We shall be looking at the given question from two perspectives. These are the answers people searching about this want to know. But the answer to both perspectives is yes – should you be eager to know. So let’s get into it.

Can A Microbiologist Become A Medical Doctor?

Yes! It is possible for a person who is already in the field of microbiology to decide to change and it will be very much possible due to the similarities (which we would soon get to) between the fields.

In this case, such microbiologists are medical doctors by chance; appointment, as they call it.

With this, we mean getting a Microbiologist to work in the hospital, as probably a helping doctor. Their jobs will be defined in the hospital, and they will support the primary doctor(s) more.

Why can a Microbiologist Become A Medical Doctor?

Below are reasons why a microbiologist can become a medical doctor:

1. Switching Fields

This is the first aspect of the question to be considered. And honestly, the answer is a straight Yes.

And as a matter of fact, most medical schools do not require candidates to be foremost in a course, as obtained from BestAccreditedCollege. It means that you, as a Microbiologist, will have the upper hand in your class due to your good background in the field.

In this case, applicants must also get a letter of recommendation to be qualified for the course.

The primary condition you will have to work towards is passing your entrance examination into a medical college or the University where you want to study medicine.

Albert Samuel, a Quora user, says, “every school in Nigeria allows people with first degrees to enter their medical school with direct entry.”

This means it is possible for you as a first-class microbiology student to switch your course and further to another school in case you no longer want your school this time.

You can also be admitted to study medicine as a microbiologist if you graduate with a second class. So if you are still in school and stumbled on this article to plan for your future, start working towards good grades at the end of your course.

2. By Chance

This is another way a Microbiologist can become a doctor, especially in developed countries. The same thing may happen in developing countries like Nigeria, but only in hospitals where whole pieces of equipment can be found – for research purposes.

In this case, such microbiologists are medical doctors by chance; appointment, as they call it.

With this, we mean getting a Microbiologist to work in the hospital, as probably a helping doctor. Their jobs will be defined in the hospital, and they will support the primary doctor(s) more.

Note: This may not happen in advanced or public hospitals. Our source, however, revealed that such is possible in self-owned hospitals.

So I am sure you now see where the ‘conditions’ I noted earlier comes in.

To get employed to fix a significant post at the hospital as a microbiologist, you may also need to have signed some papers showing that you are already taking your course in medicine. This is not always the case, though; it depends on the nature of your job at the hospital.

How to become a medical doctor with a lower grade in microbiology

Perhaps you have already read microbiology at the University, and your grades are nothing to discuss. Or better still, that was why you thought of sitting up to chase a higher field.

Our website has got you covered!

You have several options, some of which include:

1. Going to a Medical College

Search about the medical schools available in your country and apply to offer the course there to chase your dream to become a medical doctor. If you are in the United States, you can attend Hull York Medical College. And as a Nigerian, you can attend the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan.

These institutions will offer you admission without requiring your background in the field – provided you studied science courses like Biology at your secondary school level.

This, though, cannot be done unless you sit for JAMB in Nigeria. If you are a non-Nigerian, follow the same processes you take to get admitted to study microbiology in the first place.

2. Attend a college of education

This may not work in some countries, though. Still, suppose your country has colleges of education. In that case, you can take a medicine-related course there for three years and go to any university of your choice with direct entry to study medicine and surgery.

Your choice is this if you do not want to risk sitting at home in anticipation of JAMB results.

Our site has also written on several topics as regards Universities that can offer you admission with a low JAMB cut-off mark, so you can check out some other articles we have written.

Similarities between A Microbiologist and a Medical Doctor

Many things are shared between people in both fields. But for the sake of better understanding, let us look at what some of those things are:

1. Passionate about similar courses

Whether a medical doctor or a microbiologist, we want to believe that you love biology. It should go beyond that.

Whoever voluntarily chooses to practice medicine-related courses is expected to be interested in biology, chemistry, and physics. You cannot study for both fields without taking the courses mentioned above.

This remains one of the similarities between microbiologists and medical doctors.

2. They are both scientists

Meanwhile, it is the microbiologists that people majorly know for research making (comparison between both fields); doctors can also participate in research since they can access the lab and all practical skills.

You may want to cross from microbiology to medicine for a thousand and one reasons.

Most people take medicine and surgery for a field more advanced than microbiology. But is that not so? We haven’t had any record of people crossing from medicine to microbiology. No, not on purpose. The few numbers we have heard of in the past were probably advised to change their course due to low performances.

This is to make readers see more reasons why medicine and surgery as a course should be embraced.


You have every possibility to become a medical doctor as a microbiologist. Keep in mind that the information on this page is based on facts gathered from various valid sources of information, including Quora (online) and other offline places. Consider the conditions in this piece, and you will be glad you found this article at this point.

Remember, medicine and surgery are more advanced science/biology fields than microbiology. So start reading harder than ever. If being a medical doctor is your dream, do not hesitate to go for it. Our team here wishes you the very best of luck.

About Abayomi

Abayomi is an education student and a certified content and prolific writer in Nigeria who is concerned with serving scholars across all nations with in-depth research and quality content.

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