Claims Adjuster: Definition, Types & How to Become One

Claims adjuster image

A claims adjuster looks into insurance cases to see how much liability insurance covers for a business. Claims managers may be in charge of property claims like building damage and liability claims like injuries or damage to someone else’s property.

There are things that insurers need to check out before they pay out on claims. In the worst case, they would have to pay claims that aren’t covered by the insurance or that are false. Because of this, the insurance company would run out of money for actual claims, and the business would finally shut down. No one would have insurance after that.

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To prevent this, insurance companies hire adjusters to look into cases and help them reach reasonable settlements for the insurance company and the insured person. During the claims process, the adjuster talks to the client on behalf of the insurance company.

What Does a Claims Adjuster Do?

Claims adjusters have different jobs based on who they work for. They know everything there is to know about what their insurance company covers for customers, no matter where they work. Some of their most important duties are:

  • Making sure there is protection for the person who was hurt or the property that was damaged
  • Looking into accidents that cause property damage or personal harm
  • Getting evidence and information about the case, such as police records and witness statements.
  • Looking into claims that don’t seem right
  • To get advice from experts like doctors, lawyers, engineers, and builders
  • Putting together reports of research results
  • Negotiating deals and permitting payments

Types of Claims Adjuster

Learn about the three types of insurance claim adjusters:

Adjuster for the staff or the company

This kind of claims analyst only works for one insurance company full-time. A staff adjuster gets perks and learning opportunities because they are salaried workers. 

Staff adjusters usually handle claims about damage to property or personal autos, but sometimes, they also handle other types of claims.

Independent Adjusters or freelance 

Their job is to work as agents for at least one insurance company. They do not get paid a salary and perks. Instead, each insurance company pays them based on how many claims they settle or another method.

Public adjusters

This group also has its claim workers. Insurance companies don’t hire or pay them, though. The people who file claims do. Since public adjusters work for clients, they can sometimes get insurance companies to pay out more on claims.

How to Work With a Claims Adjuster

To get things done faster when working with an insurance adjuster:

  • Answer their calls right away.
  • Keep track of all calls, emails, and letters, including the names of the people who spoke to you.
  • Give all the proof you can for your claim.
  • Write down everything that is said. Writing down all the promises made.
  • Don’t say anything on tape without first talking to a lawyer.
  • When talking to your agent, never say you’re sorry.
  • Don’t tell anyone about your accident until you’re fully healed and done with your treatments.

Finally, give a settlement deal some thought. If you think it’s too low, you might want to hire a public reviewer to help your case.

How To Become A Claims Adjuster

People don’t usually think about becoming claims adjusters as a career choice, but many jobs are available in this field. Insurance claims adjusters usually need at least a high school education, but an associate’s or bachelor’s degree is better. After that, people must study for and pass a license test.

In some places, you have to get a certain number of hours of training ahead of time. Once that is done, insurance adjusters must get ongoing education credits to keep their licenses. Independent insurance adjusters with a license in California must finish at least 24 hours of continuing education every two years.

Benefits of Becoming a Claims Adjuster

Claims adjusters have very stable jobs because they are always needed. Even during economic downturns, people, companies, and corporations will still need adjusters to come in and figure out how much damage natural disasters have caused. If you’re ready to put in the work and pass the test, becoming a claims analyst is pretty simple.

Insurance adjusters also have a lot of freedom in how they do their jobs. Claims adjusters are on the go all the time and do a lot of different tasks, such as figuring out how much damage a storm did, filling out paperwork, giving advice, inspecting properties, and more. 

You can build your job to focus on what you love and hire others to do what you don’t like. If you work as a claims investigator, you can pick how you want to be paid and how much you want to charge.


Claims adjuster checks the requests for money from an insurance policy made by policyholders. They figure out what a fair payment amount is. It can be any claim, from harm to someone else to loss to property. 

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