Difference Between Journalism And Mass Communication

Difference between journalism and mass communication

In this article, I will share the difference between journalism and mass communication. Do you need to know this? Because these terms are closely related and can confuse you when addressing issues concerning them.

As a writer or journalist, you must know about this topic. Take your time to read through the article and ensure that you can state some of the differences between the given words and their similarities at the end.

On this end, I will feed you with not less than what you need to know about the two terms.

We would get started with their definitions, differences, and so on.

What is Journalism?

Journalism is all the activities involved in finding, gathering, retrieving, and composing facts that a group should know people.

Note that: Journalism is the job of a journalist. Meanwhile, a journalist is a person engaged in gathering and reporting helpful information, and journalism is the activity involved in getting it done.

Difference between journalism and mass communication

Journalism is done with he sole aim of making people know the information readily available to the reporter. The theory of ‘meeting the targeted audience’ shows that journalism is not just done for fun. It is done because some people need to see it.

What is Mass Communication?

If I may ask, after gathering your information on a given topic, what next comes to your mind? The way to reach it out to people, right?!

Mass Communication asks and answers questions on how to reach the masses.

This broad term in new reporting deals with how a piece of information gets out to the audience.

mass communication

Mass communication talks about the media to be used for the dissemination of specific information. The simple way to understand the concept of mass communication is to know what mass media is.

Difference Between Journalism and Mass Communication

1. Journalism is a term under Mass Communication

If there are other differences between journalism and mass communication, you can trace them here.

No one will deny that Mass Communication is like Journalism, a parent terminology.

“Mass Comm” as it i s fondly called, which covers a broader range of topics, has been said by sources always to rule when we talk of news or information reportage because without it, journalism goes nowhere.

Furthermore, traveling back in time, I discovered Mass Communication was founded long ago (since 800 AD) before the advent of Journalism in the 15th/16th century.

2. News Report

Mass Communication deals with the aspect of new reporting that seeks means of airing; meanwhile, journalism is all about having facts intact for publication.

3. Profession Differences

Journalism, on the one hand, is a profession, while mass communication is majorly concerned with the several media available for the ‘success of the profession.’

4. Degree Complex

If you intend to go in this line, remember that a degree in mass communication is worth more than a degree in journalism because the former will teach you all that new reporting entails, thereby covering journalism.

Types of Journalism

More than ten (10) types of Journalism are recognized worldwide. However, since it is not the primary purpose of this piece, you may get to see less.

Photo Journalism

Nobody needs to speak (and not necessarily write) in this form of journalism. For instance, what will come to your mind if you have a woman sitting at the edge of a bed with clothes stained with blood and a man lying in bed watching her cry?

No two persons will have two different answers to this question; laughs! So Photo Journalism is as simple as that.

  • Business Journalism
  • Sports Journalism

Investigative Journalism

Of the various types of journalism we have on this list, I think this is the only one you may be unable to relate to. Others are easy to understand because they are simply as they suggest.

On the other hand, this type of journalism does not bother about when an incident happens. Journalists involved in this are the press who write post-mortem, conducting in-depth research on the causes of a person’s death.


For instance, investigative journalists can render topics that have been forgotten since 2010 active in 2022.

As the name implies, the journalism type requires thorough investigation before publication.

  • Fashion Journalism
  • Education Journalism
  • Lifestyle Journalism

Opinion Journalism

In a nutshell, had it been a setting of bloggers (those who do journalism with the internet), the types of Journalism would not be referred to in the way they are said. It will take the form of; a sports niche instead of sports journalism.

This may be an addition to you, especially if you are reading because you want to start up a website. In the same way, the types of Journalism stand as a way of classifying journalism, and so does the niche in blogging.

Examples of Mass Communication

Since we have agreed with the pioneers of the term, we say mass communication, a practice of multiple mediums of information dissemination, could be directly likened to mass media.

Moreover, searching for examples of either term on the internet will find the same result. Therefore, the following are some examples of Mass Communication:

1. Television

One of the best ways to get the result of the activities of journalists is by watching on the screen.

But then, this might be pretty expensive to practice for students. You cannot carry your television about – so do not make it your primary source of information.

You may also get disappointed by the power supply if you listen to information on television alone.

It is an excellent way to listen to information because it provides listeners with an audio-visual version of any news.

2. Radio

This portable device which provides you with updates in audio form, is another example of mass communication. Many kinds of journalism can be done with this medium.

3. Internet

This should be the most widely used mass media example because it can be enjoyable. Not only do people communicate using the internet, but they also read news from accredited sources on the internet.

4. Billboards

Although this journalism medium can also reach a limited number of people, it is another way to get people aware of things.

In addition, not everyone will take the time to check out what is written on a billboard, especially when on a vehicle.

5. Newspaper

As many see it, this is fast becoming a traditional means of obtaining information. As an example of mass media, the newspaper is now seen as a traditional medium of information because many of the world’s present generation do not want anything to do with printed/text forms.


In other words, the reading culture in the world is dying already.

6. Magazines

A magazine is a little more advanced type of newspaper because it is not just released weekly or daily. As the given organization pleases, magazines can be published monthly or later.

7. Film

Does this sound strange? Well, perhaps you have been watching movies for the fun of it. Understanding that there are several genres of plays will help you know that you are supposed to learn one or two things when you watch a film.

That idea or information you obtain from a film when you watch one is derived from the content of the activity of a journalist.

8. Books

This is one of, if not the most common form of print media. You also get information put together by journalists in books.

You can also get books on the internet (downloading PDF) if you wouldn’t like to spend much on hard copies.

9. Photographs

If you have been carefully reading through, you should know what type of journalism could be done with this.

Anyway, the said photo Journalism can only be publicized in this way. Kindly scroll back to the types of journalism should you have missed the definition.

10. Podcast

Podcasts could be informative and enlightening speeches in audio, video, and sometimes text. Some sites on the internet frequently help transcribe MP4 podcasts, therefore publishing them in the three already mentioned forms on their websites.

But as it stands, the home of podcasts in the world is YouTube. Gone are the days when you might have to turn on your radio or television to listen to your role model or advanced scholars speak on topics of interest. With the advancement of technology, you can now access podcasts from different sources, including the internet, radio, etc.

Before you leave, remove this point – not all information is meant for everyone. It is thence the job of a journalist to know what his audience needs to know or what audience needs to know what they have to offer.


In conclusion, journalism and mass communication may be inseparable because they depend on each other. Still, both are not the same, and this article has just opened your eye to see some differences between them.

If you hadn’t taken time to go through it before, you can sit back and reread the entire piece.

About Abayomi

Abayomi is an education student and a certified content and prolific writer in Nigeria who is concerned with serving scholars across all nations with in-depth research and quality content.

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