Arkwright Engineering Scholarship 2022-2023 & How to Apply

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The Arkwright Engineering Scholarship is one of the most prestigious scholarships of its kind in the UK. It encourages students who show commitment toward their passion. 

This scholarship is given to students that are under the age of 16. This enables them to complete their A levels, Scottish Highers, or equivalent credentials. 

Each scholarship is funded by a profit organization, trade association, university, professional organization, military organization, religious organization, a donor, or individual contributor. This is to say that they get all the support they need from different partners.

If you’re interested in applying, continue reading for everything you need to know about the scholarship.


Students must meet specific requirements to apply for the Arkwright Engineering Scholarship. These include achieving good grades in relevant A-levels, including maths and science. They must also score 9 or above in the Scottish Higher exams. Students must also be able to provide evidence of financial support from parents or scholarships.

  • You must be enrolled full-time at an accredited engineering college or university
  • Your GPA must be 3.0 or better
  • Your culative GPA must be 3.5 or better
  • Must submit a complete application package which includes submitting your resume, transcripts, letters of recommendation, and essa

Applications are accepted throughout the academic year. However, students interested in the scholarship program are encouraged to apply early because limited spaces are available. And again, the level of competition is not healthy, so these are more reasons you should be careful when hitting the submit button because once it is hit, there may not be room for you to correct your mistakes. 

The application process

To apply for the Arkwright Scholarship, you must be an incoming first-year student at UC Berkeley and have been admitted to any UC campus. You’ll also need to submit your academic record, two letters of recommendation (one from a faculty member and one from a staff member), and a personal statement describing why you want to attend UC Berkeley.

How to Apply For Arkwright Engineering Scholarship

The scholarships are usually open between September and January of each year. However, it is advised to let your teacher know if you intend to apply for one. 

The first step in the application process is to ensure that your school is among the schools partnering with them. If not, your teacher or whoever is in charge guiding you would be expected to fill out the school partnership form here.

After that, you must apply during Year 11 (England and Wales), S4(Scotland), and Year 12 (Northern Ireland). The scholarship will be given to you as you start Year 12 (in England and Wales), Year 5 (in Scotland), or Year 13 (in Northern Ireland) to study subjects that will help you get ready for a job in engineering, computer, or technical design, as well as a university degree.

It is essential to know that all applications must be submitted for a fee of 40 euros. According to them, it will help to ease their task of going through the applications and making all other amendments where necessary. 

What’s covered?

The Arkwright Scholarship covers tuition, room and board, books, and fees for the 2018-2019 school year. It does not cover travel or living expenses.

How much will I receive?

You’ll receive $20,000 if you’re selected as a winner. This includes all costs associated with attending UC Berkeley, including tuition, room and board (currently $12,966 per semester), and fees.

Who Can Apply For Arkwright Engineering Scholarship

Students who wish to apply must have a strong desire to be a future leaders in the Engineering industry. Also, the applicant must be in the same school year as GCSEs, Scottish National 5s, International Baccalaureate Standards, BTEC level 2s, or equivalent exams when you apply. You must intend to study A levels, BTEC level 3 Diploma/Extended Diploma, Scottish Highers / Advanced Highers, or the International Baccalaureate higher level for at least two years.

Click HERE to start your application

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a limitation to the number of students applying from a school?

No, there’s no limitation to the number of students applying for a scholarship from a school. However, schools are advised to provide the best brains that are fit for the prize. 

How much does an application cost for a student?

An application costs only 40 euros. This fee is to be paid by the school. The parents of the nominated students are also welcome to support the schools in goodwill. 

How long does the scholarship last?

The scholarship typically lasts for only two years of a student’s A levels, Scottish Highers, or International Baccalaureate. This will be from 1st September to 31st August every year. 

Will scholarships be granted to all students that pass the interview?

No. It is unknown how many students will pass selection each year because they do not use a quota system for student selection at the interviews. Similarly, it’s unknown how many scholarships will be pledged to be supported by the many current and new organizations that choose to support the Arkwright Engineering Scholarships at the start of each year.

Although the fundraising team works tirelessly up until the 31st of August each year to secure sponsorship, schools should seek assistance from teachers and parents to identify potential sponsors.

About David Umoz

David Umoz is a pro and certified scholarship content writer who sincerely desires to inform scholars about details and how to apply for financial grants, scholarships, and loans.

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